The Devil Made Me Do It?

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Hi Teresa,

Thankyou for your reply. I was wondering why no one had replied…i hope i didn’t offend or creep out anyone. In any case, thx for the reply.

To your reply, no, i never did think the temple represented the Church. I never had that sense, i only had the sense that it was some large, old institution. That is why i wanted some insight.

I suppose i can see now why there may have been no replies, people thought i was a wingnut protestant taking a shot at the Church!!

But i am still convinced the temple represented something large and old. One thought i had, was that it represented the MOD in Britain, since i am thinking of joining the British Army (being a Canadian citizen allows that). You know, with them allowing Satanists n all in the Royal Navy. So a possible warning from God that joining the British Army (in these times) should be a no no for a Christian who has other choices. Then again, i know a few Christians in the British Army. So who knows…

thx anyway

(sorry if i creeped out or offended anyone) 🙂
Dear friend

😃 You didn’t creep me out or offend me, it is perfectly natural to discuss these things to my mind, we live in faith not only in the natural world , but the supernatural world, supernatural being that of God. As you know heaven waged a huge war against satan and it was St Michael who chucked the loser out of heaven!!! Good old St Michael!!!

ok …First…As for this fella in the Uk forces who wants to worship the devil , it is hardly going to be permissable, I read a document on it recently and although they said, ok be a satanist if you like, there is nowhere aboard ship that they will permit him a private place to perform rituals, therefore it is just not going to happen, also to perform a black mass you need a consecrated host and there aren’t going to be any of those made available to this fella. In short this guy is having himself on, he doesn’t probably know what he is dabbling in, he’s ‘one’ of those…know what I mean…most guys will be worried about serving with him I should imagine, who is he going to call evil up to? No trooper or serviceman is going to trust their back to this guy…he’ll fizzle out as the idiot he is for going with evil and not the light that is Christ. TUT give me half an hour in a room with the guy and he’d wish he’d never mentioned the word…satanism !!!

Second ok you are Protestant, that makes you my brother in Christ by baptism, it doesn’t make you a wingnut. It means you are Christian like myself and that you are one of God’s children…

Third…if you want to be a soldier or serviceman, go for it, if you feel this as God’s vocation in life for you, then follow it and let nothing deter you.

God Bless you and much love and peace to you

There’s a trick the devil has been using against me and that is that when I start to read the Bible, say the Rosary, or my night prayers, I all of a sudden become very lethargic and sleepy. I cannot stop from yawning. I am then tempted not to finish the Rosary or my night prayers. But when I halfway through with these prayers, the sleepiness disappears. Then accidentally one day I decided to bless myself with holy water. And voila! No sleepiness. Since then I use the holy water before praying or reading the Bible. When I forget, he might use other tricks, like hunger pangs or thoughts of things to do, now! I quickly reach for my holy water, bless myself and the entire room I am in.

Has anyone else noticed similar experiences?
Sometimes, I am awaken in the middle of the night with a dark presence in my room trying to drag me out of bed. Quickly, I ask Jesus for help. Then the dark presence goes away.

My GF had the same thing happen to her (though she lives in another house, several miles away). This is too spooky to be a coincidence.

The Devil is Real. Jesus Christ is our ONLY Hope!
This has happened me too, where I’ve been held down in the bed by something evil, it seemed like for hours, but saying the name Jesus put it to flight, there is great power in the name of Jesus.
There’s a trick the devil has been using against me and that is that when I start to read the Bible, say the Rosary, or my night prayers, I all of a sudden become very lethargic and sleepy. I cannot stop from yawning. I am then tempted not to finish the Rosary or my night prayers. But when I halfway through with these prayers, the sleepiness disappears. Then accidentally one day I decided to bless myself with holy water. And voila! No sleepiness. Since then I use the holy water before praying or reading the Bible. When I forget, he might use other tricks, like hunger pangs or thoughts of things to do, now! I quickly reach for my holy water, bless myself and the entire room I am in.

Has anyone else noticed similar experiences?
Dear friend

That old adversary is the master of distraction and it doesn’t matter by what means he tries to distract a person, he’ll try it, he’ll try anything; fortitude and perseverance is the key here, that no matter how we ‘feel’ or what ‘thoughts’ pop into our heads, we strive ever forward in prayer and faith. Sacramentals and the name of Jesus will send this old adversary and his associate evil spirits packing, you have nothing to worry about or fear. Ask Jesus to bind those evil spirits that bother you and cause you distraction, that invade your thoughts and deter you from prayer, Jesus will bind them from you in seconds.

This is nothing strange, everyone has these things played on them by the evil one, knowing the evil ones ways and handing him straight to Jesus will stop this for you each time it happens.

God Bless you and much love and peace to you

Many spiritual battles take place in your mind while you are praying or you sleeping. This is why it is so important before you go to sleep to ask the Lord to cover you with His precious Blood, Ask Him to send the Holy Angels to encamp around your bed and protect you. And most importantly put on the Gods Armour [Ephesians6] You will see a big difference because the enemy has been defeated already in Jesus name. Satan has got to flee. God Bless. 👍
Dark hoods…shadowy figures…chills…bumps in the night…possessed children’s toys…you all have had some wild encounters.

In my life the Devil is very real and always very attractive, at first. A stunningly handsome man who wants your company and more…a brilliant and articulate colleague willing to bend the rules and skirt the truth if only you’d go along…the vivacious, engaging “friend” who so wants you to be part of the group and join in the partying…the promotion that takes you higher in the firm and farther from your family…the flashy media productions that lure my children into believing their subtle, secular messages…These my friends, are my encounter with the devil and I assure you they can be every bit as harrowing in their consequences as being dragged out of bed by a demon.
When you say “drag you out of bed”…are they trying to get you to do something for them? Or are they just tormenting you? I have experienced similar things, but I just chalked them up to dreams, etc.
Sometimes, I am awaken in the middle of the night with a dark presence in my room trying to drag me out of bed. Quickly, I ask Jesus for help. Then the dark presence goes away.

My GF had the same thing happen to her (though she lives in another house, several miles away). This is too spooky to be a coincidence.

The Devil is Real. Jesus Christ is our ONLY Hope!
what movie was it?
Jason Hurd:
This is very frightening. It’s never happened to me, but I saw it in a horror movie once. This man got into bed and turned out the light to go to sleep. As soon as the light went off, the man saw a dark figure standing in the doorway. It was tall and thin and completely black, and it had no face. It was turning its head this way and that to try and find the man; it couldn’t see because it had no eyes. The man started shrieking in fright, and immediately the figure darted into the room (it could hear, all right) , tore off the bedsheets, yanked the man out of bed and dragged him screaming down to Hell. To this day I get nightmares remembering this movie. I hope and pray this never happens to me!
Am I the only on here who has ever equated evil presence with sound?
I am not surprise that you guys have all kinds of encounters with the Devil consider when I read all theses posting . You guys pray to all kinds of things. Rosary Mary , and dead saints, that is enouge to scare any one. There is only one way to God and that is thru Jesus .Mary and the dead saints cannot hear your prayers. And there is no doctrine saying that you can. This is something like the occult does. My first time here really enjoying most of it. All the best Christ blessings
Is the devil real? What types of encounters have you had with Satan, that you would like to share?
I am not surprise that you guys have all kinds of encounters with the Devil consider when I read all theses posting . You guys pray to all kinds of things. Rosary Mary , and dead saints, that is enouge to scare any one. There is only one way to God and that is thru Jesus .Mary and the dead saints cannot hear your prayers. And there is no doctrine saying that you can. This is something like the occult does. My first time here really enjoying most of it. All the best Christ blessings
Dear friend

Welcome Omega. I am purely guessing but would guess you are a fundamental Christian. While I respect what you say, I would invite you to check out saints and praying to them on the Catholic answers site, this gives a great explanation of why we pray to saints and scriptural basis for it. It was even common for Jews to pray to those who are deceased, when Jesus was on the cross some said ‘he is calling out to Elijah’ .If God can hear my prayers, so can those who are in His presence in Heaven.

Anyhow Omega, I hope you do check it out, we are not praying to evil spirits, we are praying for intercession of those in Christ as they are part of His body, the body of Christ, who are in Heaven with Him. You will also appreciate Job was taunted by satan and so was Jesus Himself, taunted and tempted, if a person is striving in holiness, this person will be tempted and taunted by evil, after all you are then the enemy of evil if you strive in Christ. Jesus said, ‘no-one is greater than the Master’ , therefore what the Master suffers, so shall His disciples, no-one exceeds the Lord but all who follow in Him will be dealt with the same by the world and by satan

There is no prayer to God on this earth that does not go through the Son first, but when His Mother asks Him something on behalf of a soul on earth, how could He refuse His Mother and our Mother?

Have a look around the site, I hope you enjoy it

God Bless you and much love and peace to you

Sad but true… As my children grew up and the immoral corruptions would try to walk through my door, I had more than one tug of war with him over my childrens souls, as my mother did over my soul. Because in the early years I thought as long as I don’t go to hell I will be fine. So life seemed easiest when sitting on the devils fence. Of course I did not know where I was sitting because I was to spiritually blind. But I learned by the age of 24 it was not a fence I wanted to stay on.
There is a saying that goes if you have not been tempted in one weeks time you need to step back and wonder what is wrong, because the devil only fights for what does not already belong to him.
Is the devil real ohhhh yes very, very real…

Worth reading again!!! Read it!! Yep, the devil doesn’t attack what he already has. But sometimes he sneaks in, quietly.
My experience happened when I was still a Protestant, but there is no doubt that there were demons involved. In my case, if I’d recognized the theology, I would have known that I was in a state of mortal sin (but then believed a sin=a sin, and there weren’t shades of how far removed you were from God). I believe that condition is what gave them access.

At the time, I had a 35 mile each way daily commute in a car which had no radio. As I was driving on the interstate (the bulk of this commute), I would be aware of voices and an oppressive presence in the car, telling me ‘you cannot be forgiven for what you’ve done’ ‘you belong to us, there’s no escape’ and ‘you might as well kill yourself now and not suffer so much, because you’re ours’.

The voices were right, in a sense–if I had surrendered and killed myself at that time, I would have belonged to them, because I was in the condition of mortal sin. What silenced the voices was an encounter with liturgical worship (Episopalian, in this case–God uses what He wants), and my plea that if I could be forgiven, a sign would be given to me. My sign while still in the church was a sense of a physical weight being removed from me, but beyond that, the voices were forever silenced. (Of course, I went on to have a private meeting with one of the Episcopal priests, and ultimately ended up on the road that brought me into the Catholic Faith.)
I am not surprise that you guys have all kinds of encounters with the Devil consider when I read all theses posting . You guys pray to all kinds of things. Rosary Mary , and dead saints, that is enouge to scare any one. There is only one way to God and that is thru Jesus .Mary and the dead saints cannot hear your prayers. And there is no doctrine saying that you can. This is something like the occult does. My first time here really enjoying most of it. All the best Christ blessings
I beleve this is a CATHOLIC forum, if you are going to Catholic bash, please don’t do it here, sounds demonic itself actually. Yes, one thing is sure: the devil has lead many to believ that they will find truth in man made cults such as the pentecostals, or other fundementalist “beliefs, which seem to preach an angry Negative Jesus , and instead of leading others to the real Christ, they concur one they hear their local “pastor” preach in his bigotry and hate towrds the catholic faith. One Church founded by Christ: the catholic Church, all else which calls itself “Christian” (no such thing outside the Catholic Church) is nothing but a 16th century invention which began with Luther, went through Calvin, and well, now there are many of those storefront :”😉 churches."
Island Oak:
Dark hoods…shadowy figures…chills…bumps in the night…possessed children’s toys…you all have had some wild encounters.

In my life the Devil is very real and always very attractive, at first. A stunningly handsome man who wants your company and more…a brilliant and articulate colleague willing to bend the rules and skirt the truth if only you’d go along…the vivacious, engaging “friend” who so wants you to be part of the group and join in the partying…the promotion that takes you higher in the firm and farther from your family…the flashy media productions that lure my children into believing their subtle, secular messages…These my friends, are my encounter with the devil and I assure you they can be every bit as harrowing in their consequences as being dragged out of bed by a demon.
I have felt him this way too: especially through those closest: at home, shouting matches, arguments, and total dysfunction.
Many spiritual battles take place in your mind while you are praying or you sleeping. This is why it is so important before you go to sleep to ask the Lord to cover you with His precious Blood, Ask Him to send the Holy Angels to encamp around your bed and protect you. And most importantly put on the Gods Armour [Ephesians6] You will see a big difference because the enemy has been defeated already in Jesus name. Satan has got to flee. God Bless. 👍
Bed is the least place we find evil, out there in the streets, at home sometimes through family, etc this is where we really find evil most of the time, at least in MY case
Is the devil real? What types of encounters have you had with Satan, that you would like to share?
Of course he exists!!! Besides, Jesus mentioned his name and was even tempted by the devil! So to make it clear, yes, the devil exists!!! If you say he doesn’t exist, then you’re also saying that Jesus never existed! If Jesus existed and saved us, then the devil exited, because Jesus was tempted by him like I said! Hope this clears everything up!
Yes, Satan is real. I haven’t had an encounters myself other than those due to our fallen nature.
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