Another of you false dilemmas. Jesus, as a man, had a beginning in time, so he had no eternal freedom. But since his human nature was assumed by God the Son ( the Second Person of the Trinity ) he knew form the moment of his conception what the Divine Nature willed what he should know about the future. His human will was conformed to the Divine Will, freely, from the moment of his conception. You falsely concluded that he was not free. You have no logical basis for this conclusion, it is just a preconceived notion that you have of his freedom. It is the same error you have made concerning the freedom of God’s will in other posts. In other words your own belief system has restricted your logic. For if God exists, after the Catholic notion, he is obviously free. For if he were not free, he would not be God. Right? So there is no dilemma in the fact that Jesus is the Christ, God the Son.
And what is the consequence of God’s non-existence? If he does not exist, nothing else exists either. But we do exist, the universe exists, therefore God exists - and he is free.