I believe what you are originally saying in your opening statement is…knowledge of the future makes it happen that way.Lets put fact together:
A) God knows future
B) Free will is the ability to decide freely knowing the options
C) Lets assume that God has free will
Now lets bring God/Jesus on the board. The key question is that how Jesus could be free for eternity? Jesus is of course was aware of future and he could not do contrary since that is against divine knowledge. This means that God has put himself in a situation which cannot do otherwise for eternity which is problematic since he will be powerless for eternity. In simple word, he cannot pick up a stone if the stone is supposed to be there hence he does not have any power and any ability.
So if God knew all events that will take place then that knowledge makes those events happen.
But we have had several discussions in CAF on this very subject, that is, that knowledge about something doesn’t make it happen…knowledge remains only knowledge.
But in the case of God, it is argued that it does make it happen. But if I know some event that will absolutely happen, like the Sun rising in the east, does that make the sun rise? And God’s knowledge of the Sun rising in the east, does that make the sun rise?
Knowledge remains knowledge only and does not make something happen.
God may know all about me and all I will ever do and think. But his knowledge does not interfer with what I want to do or think because I know I am free…self evident. What God has is knowledge of all that I will ever chose to do or to think.
May God our Father give you grace and peace.