Prophets are sinless because God protect them. Satan could not take shape and form of Muhammed because God banned that. Satan deceive human to do bad thing s not to do good things.
Is that revealed in the Quran? Sorry, read the book but I honestly don’t recall that revelation. If it is in the Quran, that is convent for Muhammed to give himself that grace. If it is not… I am confused about final revelation that the Quran represents.
There is no contradiction. If ı do not perform what will be lack in God? Nothing. So God needs nothing. But Human need to worship because human is weak and need help.
Human’s do need worship, but not the worship given by angels. All prophets up till Muhammed received the revelation directly from God. Muhammed received his worship instructions from Gabriel.
Could it be that the “angel” who showed himself to Muhammed (assuming this is accurate), gave Muhammed the worship instructions for angels, and not for humans? Maybe this worship done by angels is not proper for human’s and Gabriel, like Lucifer went off the reservation of God’s truth? Just a theory.
Seems convenient to be the guy who has a view contrary to all other accounts of God’s revealed nature, come and claim that all other revelations are corrupt and his accounts are the only truth on the earth.
Tell me again why Jesus is so high of a prophet if he messed it up so badly? I mean seriously, the guy didn’t get the proper message out, but Muhammed did.
Oh, wait. Muhammed could not read or write. So he didn’t write it down, it was all memorized. So the real question is why Peter got it wrong and Zayd ibn Thabit got it correct.
Let see, “I never did receive a revelation without feeling my soul had been torn from me.” And those who heard it first, “It is the sounds of a poet possessed.” What was that about a loving God?
But then again we will never know because the gap between Muhammed and the actual Quran is so large, we don’t have any living being who can vouch for if these statements are real, or the designing of some early scribes.