I thank you for starting this thread. Not only is it well written, it hammers home the facts.
It is said that one bad apple will cause the entire barrel to rot, and I say that a few bad priests cause other good priest to sin by covering up for the bad priests. I recognise the idea that " good churchmen" may think that if they do not rock the boat, then overall the Church will be OK. Thats not true.
The news reciently said that approximately 700 Catholic Priests have been identified as have some kind of homosexual activity. I think we have 6,500 Priest in the U.S. These 700 can and are placing a great burden on the good priests!
It is a well known fact that if some group wants to cause the failure of a Corparation they start be infiltrating into that Corporation a fith collumn. Put people inside and let there infiltrators do some dirty work. Last year a great Energy Corp. crumbled because some inside the Corp were crooks. The entire Corp. fell.
It is the same way in the Church. If 10% of the priests are homosexual and acting on it, these 10% can have the effect of causing the Church to be diluted, to crumble and to loose the respect of the ordinary Catholic.
I cannot have respect for Bishops or Priests who turn their head to wrong doing. I have been wondering why the Vatican allows homosexuality to run through the Church unimpeded. :yup:
I thank you for starting this thread. Not only is it well written, it hammers home the facts.
It is said that one bad apple will cause the entire barrel to rot, and I say that a few bad priests cause other good priest to sin by covering up for the bad priests. I recognise the idea that " good churchmen" may think that if they do not rock the boat, then overall the Church will be OK. Thats not true.
The news reciently said that approximately 700 Catholic Priests have been identified as have some kind of homosexual activity. I think we have 6,500 Priest in the U.S. These 700 can and are placing a great burden on the good priests!
It is a well known fact that if some group wants to cause the failure of a Corparation they start be infiltrating into that Corporation a fith collumn. Put people inside and let there infiltrators do some dirty work. Last year a great Energy Corp. crumbled because some inside the Corp were crooks. The entire Corp. fell.
It is the same way in the Church. If 10% of the priests are homosexual and acting on it, these 10% can have the effect of causing the Church to be diluted, to crumble and to loose the respect of the ordinary Catholic.
I cannot have respect for Bishops or Priests who turn their head to wrong doing. I have been wondering why the Vatican allows homosexuality to run through the Church unimpeded. :yup: