The Erasure of Women Continues

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The problem today is that several phenomena are using the term of “transgender”.

J Morris is the classic idea of a transgender (used to be called transsexual), where a person, almost always a boy, from an extremely young age, like toddlerhood or preschool has a persistent feeling of being trapped in the wrong body.
This is even rarer in little girls.

This is extremely rare and poorly understood. It’s also not seen in medical literature, as far as I can tell, before the 1900s

Then you have the adolescent onset gender dysphoria. These kids rock along happily in their bodies until puberty or teen years when they feel strange in their own body (which is pretty much the definition of a teenager), and something triggers a dislike for being their own sex.
This is mostly a female phenomenon, and interestingly, has skyrocketed recently . Nobody’s sure why .
(And no, don’t brother trotting out “kids always felt this way but they were cowed by Mean Christians/Un-woke Society/Overbearing Parents/ {insert fave boogeyman here})

Then al this is further complicated by the kids who are trying to get attention and be hip, cool and edgy or get back at their parents, so engage in gender bending behaviors.
I like to blame the fashion industry but I suspect it’s much deeper than that.
This rebellion is frustrating to the parents, but relatively harmless. They get strange haircuts, wear certain articles of clothing, makeup, or jewelry, stay out past curfew, listen to the latest music (usually loud!), stay in their rooms with the door shut for hours, skip school, sleep all day and stay up all night, and refuse to obey parents.
I remember my Goth phase in high school.

Black lipstick, black nail polish, black clothing.

I was also a cheerleader. My fellow cheerleaders were more the stereotypical girly girls but to their credit they accepted me. Up to now, we still remain friends.
My own theory about the girls with rapid-onset gender dysphoria is that this is actually the same underlying psychiatric process that also underlies cutting and anorexia.
Only it’s a different manifestation.

In my working with girls this age, all three types present very similar traits. They’re usually quiet, artsy, lower down on the social hierarchy (not rock-bottom, though. They usually have a close friend or two who are on the same social level as them), they feel very much pain over the injustices of the world, they’ve been knocked around by life a bit emotionally, overly sensitive and experiencing either anxiety or depression that interferes with their top potential.

Another thing I’ve noticed is that a lot of these girls are eager to please, in their own way. If they have a job, they’re a conscientious worker and beat themselves up over mistakes that most people would just blow off.

They seem to get a secondary gain from cutting/starving/ genderbending by imagining themselves as being special and set apart from the crowd. It also makes people pay attention to them.
They’re usually quiet, artsy, lower down on the social hierarchy (not rock-bottom, though. They usually have a close friend or two who are on the same social level as them), they feel very much pain over the injustices of the world, they’ve been knocked around by life a bit emotionally, overly sensitive and experiencing either anxiety or depression that interferes with their top potential.
The teen movies of the 80s usually feature these girls. Think of the Breakfast Club or Pretty in Pink.
Notice the silence by “women’s rights” groups, like regarding men participating in women’s sports. Makes you wonder if these groups are pro-woman in any way.
This is why the leftists always side with the weaker side of any issue at first. Once the stronger are incapacitated the weak cannot put up much of a struggle.

Note how little resistance by women there is to the transgender domination in sports.

Political correctness is the brain numbing inoculant that serves to deaden resistance based upon appeal to misplaced empathy and the prior general deterioration of morality. Note how the rights of the “weak” are are pitted directly against the rights of the strong in order to undermine the social fabric.
Excellent post!
Note how the rights of the “weak” are are pitted directly against the rights of the strong in order to undermine the social fabric.

The “rights of the weak” always has a Christian sound which has beguiled the west and the Catholic church for decades now. Pleading for “the weak” brings status in academic and religious circles (and some business ones), and a comfortable life within the very social fabric they are destroying. The “strong” must never think they have rights.

Just recently…

In Australia we have university panels for handling accusations of “sexual assault” on campus, and these panels are punctilious in providing for the “weak” (the female accuser) yet provide almost no rights for the “strong” (male assumed-perpetrator) to defend himself, despite the panel having the power to destroy the man.

When the university dons were grilled about this they admitted they hadn’t even discussed the rights of the accused man! (2:50)

The clip shows that these dons, on $200,000+ salaries and who surely represent the academic profession itself, know the rhetoric of “the weak” yet have completely forgotten the freedoms and principles of justice which are at the core of western civilisation, and which we’ve fought and died for since Magna Carta.

Since Magna Carta we have stood for the rights of the weak against the strong, and now the weak are far progressed in eradicating the rights for the strong. And the Church is silent.

(Bravo for a stunning performance from Senator Amanda Stoker. But for a small number of fortunate events and alert people this inquiry wouldn’t even have happened, and the feminist juggernaut in universities would have scored another crushing win. )
Political correctness … serves to deaden resistance based upon appeal to misplaced empathy and the prior general deterioration of morality.
Certainly these evil social movements gain from the general deterioration of morality. Whether they are just a symptom of the latter or a problem which can be addressed separately, I’m still undecided.

And if we see three social problems here - “the weak”, the general deterioration of morality, and the eradication of the rights of the “strong” - the Church seems to care most about the first, something about the second, and nothing about the third. She (the Church) will probably only notice when the “social fabric” is so frayed the she herself is doomed.
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This latest insanity is an evolution of the feminist in the 60’s.Women wanted to be equal to men in every way re sex ,money,professions.To the extent that they eschewed traditional relationships,didn’t need a man to be a mother,etc…
Be careful what you ask for because this is human nature,give and inch and take a mile
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@Peeps @0Scarlett_nidiyilii I suspect that you are right about at least some cases. There are some things about this topic today that concern me, including:

The number of people, especially young people, claiming to be transgender, gender non-binary, gender fluid, etc. has increased extraordinarily over a period of no more than 10 years. I remember that even in the early 2000s ideas such as gender non-binary and gender fluid were very much minority theories. There was very little public awareness of transgender issues and also very little representation, as LGB organisations tended not to want to have anything to do with trans people. I remember very clearly discussing the issue with a friend around that time and the only way she could relate to it was that there was a trans character in Coronation Street (the long-running British soap opera about a working-class community in the north of England). As already mentioned, social attitudes alone cannot explain the increase in the incidence of trans conditions. If this were the case, surely there would have been a high incidence of trans conditions in countries such as the Netherlands and Sweden several decades earlier. When attitudes towards homosexuality relaxed from the 1960s to the early 2000s, the incidence of homosexuality did not actually increase. People were just more open about it.

My biggest concern is that the effects of the transition process can be irreversible, even in the very early stages. While there are undoubtedly cases of people who are genuinely transgender, and where gender affirmation treatment is appropriate and successful, there are also many people, especially young people, who could more effectively be helped with psychological treatments. If the treatments were reversible, I would be less worried, but there are genuine cases of people who are just as unhappy after gender “affirmation” as they were before. There also seems to be evidence that victims of sexual abuse during childhood are more likely to report gender dysphoria, something which could be more effectively addressed by psychotherapy.

Finally, the increase in people reporting being gender non-binary or gender fluid has been particularly perplexing. A case such as that of Jan Morris now seems relatively straightforward: a man who becomes a woman. What we are seeing now, however, is an increasing number of people who reject labels such as male/female and masculine/feminine. While I accept the scientific evidence for an extremely small number of people with biological intersex conditions, the number of people now reporting being psychologically neither male nor female is incomprehensible to me. I am also perplexed by the idea that western society can appropriate concepts of gender that are specific to the worldviews of a small number of non-western societies.
Then you have the adolescent onset gender dysphoria. These kids rock along happily in their bodies until puberty or teen years when they feel strange in their own body (which is pretty much the definition of a teenager), and something triggers a dislike for being their own sex.
This is mostly a female phenomenon, and interestingly, has skyrocketed recently . Nobody’s sure why .
Some of this is likely due to the loss of freedom many girls feel when they enter puberty. Before puberty they are valued for their achievements or their intelligence, etc, much like boy. Then they reach puberty and how society reacts to their bodies differs. They might not be able to play in the park anymore without a man commenting on their bodies. They are told they have to become more aware of how they dress, otherwise they might distract the boys or worse, provoke unwanted sexual advances from. them. They can go from strong willed little girls to being thought of as “pushy bitches” for standing up for themselves post puberty. All of this has been intensely studied in academic literature.

With that said, it is likely not surprising that a girl might want to reject her emerging womanhood now that Western society has given an option to be “men”.
They might not be able to play in the park anymore without a man commenting on their bodies.
I remember researching about women and eatinf disorders a while back, and notably, there are patients who experienced sexual harassment and assault. They started to hate femininity and starve themselves to get rid of the parts “men like”
Part of femininity is being vulnerable to men. Being pregnant makes a woman even more vulnerable.

In an ideal world, men protect women and for the most part it is true but there are men who prey on women.
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Just my opinion, but one factor that I don’t see often in secular “research” is the influence of both a male and female parent figure/role model for children.

I think this is vitally important, although I do know of situations where both a male and female parent are present and active in the child’s life, and the child identifies as “transgender.” An example is John Ortberg’s child. He’s a beloved Evangelical Protestant pastor and author, and although we know only what the public is allowed to know about their family life, I know the man personally and have no doubt that he and his wife are amazing parents. But…the child is trans.

So perhaps having two strong parents, male and female, is not that much of a factor after all?

It’s so hard to get non-biased research on these gender issues.
This is pretty bad…

However, remember that menstruation used to be considered very dirty and impure… touching a menstruating female, touching an object she had sat on or lain on, or having intercourse with her also makes a person ritually unclean… things like this were common views back in the day.

The opposite end of the crazy spectrum from the article posted… but crazy nonetheless
“Menstruation, pregnancy, childbirth, and breastfeeding belong exclusively to women.”

Well, maybe not the breastfeeding.
Men have embryonic mammals glands only.

It is extremely rare that a father can produce milk for a child and maybe ofteh related to hormonal imbalance. Not sure that a newborn can survive only a man’s milk.
That is what I was going to say. Men have nipples and men can get breast cancer,
but do they lactate?
I cannot choose not to be female, true, but I can choose to buy into (largely socially constructed) stereotypes of femininity in terms of what professions are.suitably “feminine”, how.women are dress and speak and behave and so on.

In some ways I don’t, as female saints such as Joan of Arc and Catherine of Siena didn’t. I refuse to suffer the modern equivalent of burning at the stake for not following mere social conventions of femininity as Joan was burnt.
When and where are the lines drawn between “social conventions” and biological and every other reality?

Merely because there are some social conventions does not mean every distinction merely reduces to a social convention.

The lines might not be clear and distinct but that doesn’t imply there are no lines whatsoever.

See: Continuum Fallacy
And if we see three social problems here - “the weak”, the general deterioration of morality, and the eradication of the rights of the “strong” - the Church seems to care most about the first, something about the second, and nothing about the third. She (the Church) will probably only notice when the “social fabric” is so frayed the she herself is doomed.
I have actually been motivated by this complete abandonment of traditional and ancient concepts of justice to reread Plato’s Republic taking scrupulous notes. The contrast between Plato’s sensible rationality and the modern world is breathtaking.

You are correct that the modern Church appears to have been beclouded by modernist emotional appeals to empathy and the “poor,” meaning those ostensibly “unequal” according to modern social justice definitions of equality of outcome. Worthiness or unworthiness, or the concept of merit, is no longer in consideration.

It is interesting how Plato treats the idea of justice as rendering to each what is owed to them, by focusing on how what is owed is to be determined rather than just assumed.
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