The problem today is that several phenomena are using the term of “transgender”.
J Morris is the classic idea of a transgender (used to be called transsexual), where a person, almost always a boy, from an extremely young age, like toddlerhood or preschool has a persistent feeling of being trapped in the wrong body.
This is even rarer in little girls.
This is extremely rare and poorly understood. It’s also not seen in medical literature, as far as I can tell, before the 1900s
Then you have the adolescent onset gender dysphoria. These kids rock along happily in their bodies until puberty or teen years when they feel strange in their own body (which is pretty much the definition of a teenager), and something triggers a dislike for being their own sex.
This is mostly a female phenomenon, and interestingly, has skyrocketed recently . Nobody’s sure why .
(And no, don’t brother trotting out “kids always felt this way but they were cowed by Mean Christians/Un-woke Society/Overbearing Parents/ {insert fave boogeyman here})
Then al this is further complicated by the kids who are trying to get attention and be hip, cool and edgy or get back at their parents, so engage in gender bending behaviors.
J Morris is the classic idea of a transgender (used to be called transsexual), where a person, almost always a boy, from an extremely young age, like toddlerhood or preschool has a persistent feeling of being trapped in the wrong body.
This is even rarer in little girls.
This is extremely rare and poorly understood. It’s also not seen in medical literature, as far as I can tell, before the 1900s
Then you have the adolescent onset gender dysphoria. These kids rock along happily in their bodies until puberty or teen years when they feel strange in their own body (which is pretty much the definition of a teenager), and something triggers a dislike for being their own sex.
This is mostly a female phenomenon, and interestingly, has skyrocketed recently . Nobody’s sure why .
(And no, don’t brother trotting out “kids always felt this way but they were cowed by Mean Christians/Un-woke Society/Overbearing Parents/ {insert fave boogeyman here})
Then al this is further complicated by the kids who are trying to get attention and be hip, cool and edgy or get back at their parents, so engage in gender bending behaviors.