Physical reality is manifestation of consciousness. How could you possibly doubt yourself?Actually it isn’t clear to me either, whether I’m in any way the cause of the world around me, or whether my consciousness is merely an effect like everything else. Is consciousness simply an emergent phenomenon and I can take the “rationality” part of my previous post and throw it out the window. Is reality completely deterministic? Or am I living in what some theorists refer to as an observer created reality, in which I do have some influence? Do I have at least some free will? How can I tell?
In what seems to be a spooky coincidence scientists in just the last couple of days have reported the outcome of an experiment that seems to show that the future affects the past.
Now there had already been indications that this was true, from the “Delayed choice quantum eraser” experiments. But this experiment seems to quantify the effect. In a nutshell, if I understand the experiment correctly, in predicting the outcome of a system, you have to consider both its evolution forward through time, and its evolution backward through time. In other words the future affects the past. By considering the system’s evolution in both directions you can increase the odds of making an accurate prediction from 50%, to 90%. The question then becomes, what accounts for that other 10%.
But what does this mean for my understanding that the world is the product of a solipsistic consciousness? One which is created by a combination of cause and effect, and rationality. Well it seems to support it very, very well. The reason that reality makes sense, and the reason that I can create new words and languages seemingly out of nowhwere, is precisely because the future affects the past. When I encounter a new situation, say like someone speaking a language that I’ve never heard before, my consciousness creates every possible way of filling in the gaps in my knowledge. It creates every conceivable form of this new language, completely on the fly. But many of these new languages would be absolutely untenable. They would make no logical sense. They’d be gibberish. But this is where the influence of the future comes in. The future weeds out all the possible languages that aren’t tenable, because they ultimately lead to paradoxes or contradictions. In other words, what my consciousness creates now, must not only be consistent with what it has created in the past, but it must also be consistent with what it will create in the future. Because cause and effect works in both directions. In this manner consciousness creates a reality that seems to make absolutely perfect sense. Because any realities that don’t make sense get weeded out by the influence of the future.
But this is still basically cause and effect. All that we’ve done is added the effect that the future has on the now, to the effect that the past has on the now. However, as the experiment indicates, this only accounts for 90% of the outcomes. What then accounts for the other 10%? I would submit that the other 10% is me. Cause and effect determines 90% of what is, and I determine the other 10%. I have free will.
But this still doesn’t answer the ultimate question, what caused me? What was the first cause? As a solipsist it’s this one unanswerable question that makes the world look the way it does. Consciousness is attempting to explain its existence, and it’s using God, and religion, and science and any other possible means to do so. Yet it can’t do it. Not now, and not in the future. So the world that I see around me is merely a reflection of the struggle that’s going on within my own consciousness. The world is a reflection of me. My consciousness is tormented by a question that it can’t resolve, and the world that I see around me is the result.
That’s the solipsistic perspective, the world is the way it is, because of me.
But now there’s a more intriguing question. Was the timing of this experiment showing the influence of the future on the past, merely a coincidence, or is it a further example of my own consciousness creating answers as needed. Is it part of the 90%, or part of the 10%?