I would tend to believe that you’re correct. I could argue that logic and reason came first, and that from these proceeded doubt, but I really don’t believe that that’s the case. Doubt, for whatever reason, came first, and then, as appears to be the case with most beliefs, rationalization followed. The key as you point out is rigor. Don’t allow preconceptions to cloud reason. I try very hard not to do that. As for desiring to get rid of the doubt, that’s not exactly true, in fact life might be quite mundane without it. I love a good puzzle, and the ultimate puzzle would seem to be, why is the world the way it is?
Strangely enough, that’s the same question that I’m asking, what’s going on in your mind?
But beyond that, outside of the ordinary mundane things that must go on in everyone’s mind, is the overarching question, why is the world the way it is? Why is it filled with violence and cruelty and injustice? To be honest those may be the very things that make most people, including myself, seek answers beyond the obvious one, that the world is the way it is, because it just naturally evolved that way. There’s nothing particularly mysterious about it. Simple, everyday cause and effect. That I’m afraid is the most likely answer to the question. But it’s not the most fulfilling one.
So if that’s the most likely answer, why bother with solipsism? Because there’s still one nagging unresolved question, where did everything come from? That’s the truly difficult question, and that’s where both God and solipsism come in.
Now to be perfectly clear, soft solipsism doesn’t maintain that the world exists only in my mind, it merely accepts that as one of the possibilities. God is also a possibility. As is naturalism, the Matrix, and the Boltzmann brain. The quintessential position of a soft solipsist is, I don’t know. To a soft solipsist any other position is irrational, because it requires information that the egocentric mind simply cannot have.
But when exchanging ideas with a solipsist the inevitable question is, how can the world exist only in my mind? To answer that question will require another post, and a $2.50 deposit.