Since you say, “Yes, I’m sure that God created hell, since he created all things.”, are you saying that God created evil?Yes, I’m sure that God created hell, since he created all things.
I haven’t got God all figured out, but the parts of God that the GOSPELS HAVE FIGURED OUT SUIT ME JUST FINE. Hell is in the gospels.
The “Good News” concerns heaven. Those who don’t like the “Good News” choose hell.
And since you also say, “I haven’t got God all figured out, but the parts of God that the GOSPELS HAVE FIGURED OUT SUIT ME JUST FINE. Hell is in the gospels.”
The word “gospel” literally means “Good News” and in the Gospel of St. John, John 12:32: which is, "And when I am lifted up from the earth, I will draw everyone to myself.”
Do you think that Jesus means what He said?
Jesus was lifted up physically in the crucifixion and spiritually in the Resurrection and Ascension, do you think that Jesus will really draw EVERYONE to Himself, somehow or another, even if we do not know the details?
Jesus said to Peter, “Simon, thou art Peter and upon this rock, I will build MY CHURCH and the GATES OF THE NETHERWORLD shall not prevail against IT”.
I believe that Jesus was trying to tell us something there and that Jesus won the victory totally against the NETHERWORLD, not just for some but for ALL.
There is a lot said in the bible, some of which seems to be contradictory on the surface, do you think that it is contradictory or that it could somehow be “complementary” even if we do not know just how this could come about, in other words, we do not know all of the details?