One final post unless someone comes on and comments. I want to emphase the importance of post 191 since it establishes the Unmoved Mover as causing motion/change in the universe by an eternal creation by origin, but not in time, of all in the universe. And I wish to emphasize once again the importance of the link to Dr. William E. Carroll’s presention here: dhspriory.org/thomas/english/QDdePotentia.htm
And I would like to quote one sentence by Thomas Aquinas from De Potentia, Question 3, Artical V, from the footnotes in Carroll’s presentation, which is just astounding.
" Thus reason proves and faith holds that all things are created by God…" of course you must keep the distinction betwee the two concepts of creation. Only creation in time out of nothing is De Fide. Creation by origin is open to reason.
Finally I would like to give a list of links to presentations by Dr. Carroll. He is a man worth following.
faraday.st-edmunds.cam.ac.uk/Biography.php?ID=224 ( a list of publications )
afkimel.wordpress.com/2014/03/07/william-carroll-on-creation-and-the-big-bang/ ( a one hour video on the subject I have been talking about )
upload.sms.cam.ac.uk/media/1213043?format=mov&quality=medium ( similar video delivered at Oxford )
catholiceducation.org/articles/sc0035.html ( an important paper on Creation, Evolution, and Thomas Aquinas )
biologos.org/blog/creation-cosmology-and-the-insights-of-thomas-aquinas ( a short but important paper )
lyceumphilosophy.com/Lyceum-1-1.pdf ( an important paper )
prospectmagazine.co.uk/philosophy/aquinas-and-the-big-bang-william-carroll-faraday-institute ( an important article, 2012 on Aquinas and the Big Bang , you have to sign on or subcribe)
theology.ox.ac.uk/people/staff-list/dr-william-carroll.html ( his web sit in case anyone would like to study under him )
And I would like to quote one sentence by Thomas Aquinas from De Potentia, Question 3, Artical V, from the footnotes in Carroll’s presentation, which is just astounding.
" Thus reason proves and faith holds that all things are created by God…" of course you must keep the distinction betwee the two concepts of creation. Only creation in time out of nothing is De Fide. Creation by origin is open to reason.
Finally I would like to give a list of links to presentations by Dr. Carroll. He is a man worth following.
faraday.st-edmunds.cam.ac.uk/Biography.php?ID=224 ( a list of publications )
afkimel.wordpress.com/2014/03/07/william-carroll-on-creation-and-the-big-bang/ ( a one hour video on the subject I have been talking about )
upload.sms.cam.ac.uk/media/1213043?format=mov&quality=medium ( similar video delivered at Oxford )
catholiceducation.org/articles/sc0035.html ( an important paper on Creation, Evolution, and Thomas Aquinas )
biologos.org/blog/creation-cosmology-and-the-insights-of-thomas-aquinas ( a short but important paper )
lyceumphilosophy.com/Lyceum-1-1.pdf ( an important paper )
prospectmagazine.co.uk/philosophy/aquinas-and-the-big-bang-william-carroll-faraday-institute ( an important article, 2012 on Aquinas and the Big Bang , you have to sign on or subcribe)
theology.ox.ac.uk/people/staff-list/dr-william-carroll.html ( his web sit in case anyone would like to study under him )