Go document by document, assume good intentions for each, and the result in every case has, sadly, been the opposite.
Church: understanding of the most basic truths about the Church were thrown into confusion (CDF has had to intervene at least four times to clarify the most basic truth that the Catholic Church alone is still the sole Church of Christ) and rather than being treated as a necessary “sacrament of salvation” salvation became generally presumed to be found everywhere.
Modern World: the nature of man has been thrown into more confusion than ever and the world is less Christian and more hostile to the Church.
Liturgy: belief in the real presence and understanding of the meaning of Mass has plummeted, liturgical abuses went way up, and Mass attendance and participation on Sundays has plummeted (not to mention vocations to the priesthood).
Revelation: the Scriptures were treated more like error riddled human writings by clergy than before. “Development of doctrine” is now used as justification for substantial change.
Education: once solid Catholic institutions have mostly been completely secularized
Other religions: there have been excesses into indifferentism, an increase in hostile sects, with little common goals being achieved (society has gotten even more secular and hostile to religion).
Religious Freedom: instead of the true doctrine of religions freedom found in the declaration and catechism, instead what was spread and implemented in once Catholic countries was the false version condemned so often that makes relative conscience supreme, and separates the truth about God and man from public life.
Laity: the faithful are just as, if not more divided between their private faith and what they think society should be shaped like (just look at polls on issues like same-sex marriage).
Ecumenism: most non-Catholic communities have gotten farther away from the Catholic Church in their doctrine (especially with regards to morality, gender issues, and sacramental practice), and religious indifferentism and irenicism has spread more in the Catholic Church
Missions: the urgency of seeking conversions for the salvation of souls is more often suppressed and replaced with merely spreading social development
Religious: most of the convents and monasteries emptied and many of those left turned to un- or non-Christian activities (weird cosmic evolution stuff, reiki, or just plain secular social work).
Eastern Churches: see above re Constitution on the Church and decree on ecumenism re indifferentism. “Uniatism” is now rejected, undermining the very existence of EC’s.
Communications: dissenting publications multiplied
Bishops: most bishops seem to act more like careerist middle management, and less like vicars of Christ than ever, while mismanaging their scandal-ridden dioceses into the ground.
Priests/Training: vocations fell, priests leaving and being laicized multiplied, priests promoting their own opinions and doing their own thing in the liturgy went way up, discipline became lax, not to mention the scandals…