The future of Child Birth

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It IS sinful as it directly contravenes the natural order of things. Not only does it separate sex and procreation, it also deprives the mother and child from the necessary time for bonding before birth.
It would also create a great schism in society: the rich would be able to buy their manufactured children; while the poor would have to continue naturally. Production-line-children would have a higher social standing than Natural-borns causing an ever greater divide.
Unfortunately, I have to agree that such things are not only possible but very likely as advancements will be made to perfect IVF and the like.
No, no it wouldn’t create a master race. They would be damaged beyond help and without a doubt suffer deep psychosis and health issues. Children need time in the womb. It does things that technology cannot.

We can’t even get formula to replace breast milk, and while the difference between formula fed children is minor, they are more prone to dietary issues, obesity, and other problems.

There is no way we could manufacture a psychologically and physically sound child when the minor, but very real discrepancies occur in formula.
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Unfortunately, I have to agree that such things are not only possible but very likely as advancements will be made to perfect IVF and the like.
Scientific and technological progress. It’s like a hungry beast of a machine…

It can’t be bargained with
It can’t be reasoned with
It doesn’t feel pity or remorse or fear
And it absolutely will not stop, until where all dead.
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It could create a master race. If you can design a creature to your own specifications, you could create a powerful monster. And I was thinking forward, about the future. Remember when the first books were written about space-travel, we didn’t even know if we could get to the moon. With the rate that things develop, if someone wants something, they’ll get it as long as they’re rich enough. And, the technology will be refined until it doesn’t cause health issues.
It could create a master race. If you can design a creature to your own specifications, you could create a powerful monster. And I was thinking forward, about the future. Remember when the first books were written about space-travel, we didn’t even know if we could get to the moon. With the rate that things develop, if someone wants something, they’ll get it as long as they’re rich enough. And, the technology will be refined until it doesn’t cause health issues.
I’d argue you can’t. Not if you understand anything about human development. People also thought we’d live like the Jetsons. We’ve been to the moon, but to what effect? Half a dozen people in all of humanity? We really haven’t had all that much progress since 1969 despite the fact that our watches contain more technology and processing power than all of the computers that ran the space program combined. For 9 million dollars a civilian can spend a week on the international space station. Which basically limits it to the 1,600 billionaires in the world. That’s not really progress.

Again, this isn’t about simple technology. We can build faster rockets, faster processing chips, better space equipment.

But we are having true issues with GMO food. We are discovering that we can’t just apply technology to food and have it be the same. Some GMO is helpful, others are deadly. Saccharine is cancerous but for a long while we thought it was a great replacement to sugar. When it comes to food we have a long way to go technology wise. And that’s just food that’s oral. Besides infant formula, formula for those with G/J/GJ tubes also struggle to get adequate calories and nutrition. They often cannot gain needed weight unless paired with oral therapy and intake.

That doesn’t even begin to factor in psychological or psychological factors that are a HUGE part of development. I can slowly go over those, too. Replication of what occurs on even a moment-to-moment basis in a pregnant woman would be nearly impossible and that would have catostrophic consequences.

This isn’t even factoring in the toxins in our current plastics–even medical grade ones.

The technology is nowhere near as “there” as they are making it sound.
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The comparison with computers is a poor one. Communications technology and processing power developed for the military and intelligence community are leaking into the public sector for the sole purpose of creating addictive, zombie-like behavior for spreading propaganda (AKA fake news), monitoring behaviors (via clicks, links and other preferences), and actions. It also generates profits through the mining of data and collation/cross-referencing which is then sold.

Biology is many orders of magnitude beyond what the highest technology is currently at. The human genome is mostly uncharted territory. It is being taken apart and the process involves a lot of trial error regarding what each part does. But no one part is discrete. It is connected to a highly complex, highly integrated system that functions one a two-level, digital command system.
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I agree with @Elizabeth3 and @Xanthippe_Voorhees. In addition, think of the baby in the womb listening to his mother’s heartbeat and her voice from the moment he can first start to hear and feel. The natural rhythm of her heart and body…these things are important. This also helps with bonding of the baby to his mother.

Having the baby grow inside a woman helps her grow in love and protection for that child. Pregnany is such an intimate, close relationship…NOTHING else on Earth comes close to it.

To divorce the growth of a baby from the womb of his mother is an abhorence. Artificial wombs remind me of Brave New World and their radiation of the “lower-caste” babies.

But, this is just science fiction. We are light-years away from that technology and I highly doubt we will ever get that far. Hopefully Jesus would return first before scientists could make this happen.
I don’t think we’ll ever see this.

The earth will come to it’s end first.

"And they said, Go to, let us build us a city and a tower, whose top may reach unto heaven; and let us make us a name, lest we be scattered abroad upon the face of the whole earth.

And the Lord came down to see the city and the tower, which the children of men builded.

And the Lord said, Behold, the people is one, and they have all one language; and this they begin to do: and now nothing will be restrained from them, which they have imagined to do."

Genesis 11:4-6

Never say never, my friend.
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Children conceived and grown in artificial womb’s will never happen.

The earth is on it’s final years and such an invention is too far fetched to ever come about.

Never! 😃

*And they said, Go to, let us build us a city and a tower, whose top may reach unto heaven; and let us make us a name, lest we be scattered abroad upon the face of the whole earth.

And the Lord came down to see the city and the tower, which the children of men builded.

And the Lord said, Behold, the people is one, and they have all one language; and this they begin to do: and now nothing will be restrained from them, which they have imagined to do.

Genesis 11:4-6*

Never say never, my friend.
Because it never was about the tower. It wasn’t about reaching heaven. It was about human pride and arrogance.
Will it be done well? No.

Will it be done? We already have mothers who’ve genetically produced children while never carrying them a single day in the womb. It’s called surrogacy. Exhorbitant costs, violations of human rights, legal entanglements, and risks posed by such reproductive technology haven’t stopped that from growing in popularity.

Someone said that comparing advances in computer science to artificial womb technology is irrelevant. But it isn’t; the technology needed to monitor and facilitate the delicate transfer of nutrients, immuno-compounds, and the careful regulation of biosystems will all require extremely complex computing.

I’ve read several articles that place ectogenesis about 50 years out.
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Yes, and the point is - humans are arrogant enough to attempt to write their own genesis story.

How does a people who were “produced” and not born, relate anymore to a Savior borne of a woman?
Will it be done? We already have mothers who’ve genetically produced children while never carrying them a single day in the womb. It’s called surrogacy
But this required an actual womb, not an artificial one.

Yes, and the point is - humans are arrogant enough to attempt to write their own genesis story.

How does a people who were “produced” and not born, relate anymore to a Savior borne of a woman?
This is science fiction. Even if we had the technology to make this physically happen the resulting person would never be a functional human and may not even be able to form thought, moreover esoteric thinking.

The Tower of Babbel is not a “genisis story” but one where they indicated that uniting all the products of God (humans) could make them more powerful than God.
First, you develop the technology, which is underway. Make no mistake - it is on the horizon.

Next, fine tune process and begin introducing genetic alterations.

Then, you implement germ line genetic changes in subsequent fetuses. Among may be the built in infertility or modifiers to change the timing of fertility.

At the same time, birth rates are already falling due to a multitude of factors. But of those that are unplanned and therefore “undesigned,” these will eventually fall subject to a host of social policies and “treatments.”

Let the readers here beware.
I sort of take that with a grain of salt, mostly because I remember in the 1980s when we said human cloning was right around the corner, and then the debacle of Dolly the sheep happened and we realized that just maybe we’re not as smart as we think we are.

Looks like another come-uppance is sadly on the horizon.
Even if we had the technology to make this physically happen the resulting person would never be a functional human and may not even be able to form thought, moreover esoteric thinking.
They will likely not be functionally human.

We’re talking transhumanism here.
Yes, as current technology stands. Surrogacy itself, where a baby is carried and born of a mother biologically unrelated was likewise unthinkable 50 years ago.

Science fiction, it was. Scientific progress has made it reality.
Even if we had the technology to make this physically happen the resulting person would never be a functional human and may not even be able to form thought, moreover esoteric thinking.
They will likely not be functionally human.

We’re talking transhumanism here.
whatever you want to call it, even if it has a permanent soul, it’s not going to be able to function like a human or think even if it made it to “birth”, which, nutritionally is problematic for humans whose sum of the biological system is far more complicated than any animals.

Then you pair that with the major physiological factors of the womb (heartbeat, sound, light, heat, movement, sleep and wake) and the secondary physiological factors (hormone levels, cortisol levels, blood sugar levels…none of which we have good replication for, btw) and then you also need the psychological factors voices, experiences, etc, all matter. They did a study that I can’t find where a foreign-language song was played to a child in uetero. Nothing they’d come across on a daily basis. When they were 3, 6, and 12 they were given 5 songs to listen to. Something like 80% said that the song they listened to in utero (and hadn’t since besides the testing) was their favorite.

So could we do this with a dog or a cat or a sheep? Probably. But humans are different.
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