The catholic church should have been reformed from within not attacked and splintered in a rebellion.
The Protestant Reformation is a myth it was a Protestant Rebellion the only reforming was done at the counter-reformation. You can’t reform outside the church only within. This is like trying to solve a marriage by divorce. you can’t fix the marriage that way you just ended you association with you spouse.
The church has been reformed many times from within prior to the Reformation the 1500’s was not the only time the church needed a face-lift.
I think you choice of words are kind out of line here. The church leaders needed a wakeup call but the church never deserved the reformation the Body of Christ did not deserve to be splintered only a perverse theology would think of such a thing. I suggest you rephrase you charge here.
The Protestant Reformation is a myth it was a Protestant Rebellion the only reforming was done at the counter-reformation. You can’t reform outside the church only within. This is like trying to solve a marriage by divorce. you can’t fix the marriage that way you just ended you association with you spouse.
The church has been reformed many times from within prior to the Reformation the 1500’s was not the only time the church needed a face-lift.
I think you choice of words are kind out of line here. The church leaders needed a wakeup call but the church never deserved the reformation the Body of Christ did not deserve to be splintered only a perverse theology would think of such a thing. I suggest you rephrase you charge here.