The Horror Show Is Underway: Almost 100,000 People in NY Get Ballots With the Wrong Return Envelopes

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He is Christian. And his wife is Catholic.

He supports Pro-Life on a greater scale than any president before him.

He signed numerous bills that helped Catholic schools maintain their teachings against state mandates.

He openly states to the public (unlike Biden or Harris) that we are a nation UNDER GOD.

Trump helped drastically reduce tax dollars to planned parenthood. Unlike others before him.

AND Amy is his SECOND CATHOLIC appointee to the Supreme Court.

If you think that Biden is a better choice when he and Harris are Pro-Choice, that alone makes me question your validity as a Catholic. Period. Let alone the rest.
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None of the above changes my mind. I’m not the only Catholic voting Biden/Harris.
Dobby . . .
He doesn’t support ANY Catholic teachings.
Tell that to Planned Parenthood.

Because THEY (Planned Parenthood) sure think Trump supports life.
And I do too.
I too think Trump supports life.
It is one of the few things I agree with Planned Parenthood on - That Trump is a threat to their (anti-life) agenda.

Dobby concerning Trump being much more pro-life than any other president we have ever had and Joe Biden’s rabid pro-abortion stances . . . .
None of the above changes my mind.
I believe you.
I’m not the only Catholic voting Biden/Harris.
I better leave that with no comment.

But you won’t need to explain that to me someday.
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So it’s ok that for most of his adult life, Trump has made a mockery of marriage with his philandering?

What gives you the right to question the validity of another’s faith?
Come on. Do people not realize how voting in particular and absentee/mail-in voting specifically works?

Ballots are checked against the voter list to ensure that a person only votes once. This idea of ballots floating around that can be stuffed into a ballot box is uninformed or trying to hype a certain narrative.
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Come on. Do people not realize how voting in particular and absentee/mail-in voting specifically works?

Ballots are checked against the voter list to ensure that a person only votes once.
I think people don’t know. Also, based on other threads in this forum, people appear to not know the difference between a ballot and an absentee ballot application.

There were a few people here in my county that tried voting twice and it did not go unnoticed. What is uncertain is if they will be prosecuted, as there are some legitimate reasons for the double voting. Ex: if they used mail in voting and the ballot showed as not received. Also, and I almost missed voting for this reason, if there are two elections close together and it is not clear to a person whether or not it is a new election or continuation of the same election.

Where I live voting was stopped in March because of COVID-19, then continued, then there was another election to the back of the continued election with some overlap in the election dates.
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So it’s ok that for most of his adult life, Trump has made a mockery of marriage with his philandering?

What gives you the right to question the validity of another’s faith?
What gives you the right to judge President’s Trump’s stance on marriage now? He says he is pro-life, he has taken action to support pro-life, and he has done what he can to defund PP to support pro-life.

On the other hand Joe Biden, a Catholic, supports abortion, euthanasia, embryonic stem cell research, same sex marriage, the LGBTQ agenda including gender fluidity, the loss of traditional marriage, birth control, and mandating the Little Sisters of the Poor pay for birth control for their employees. These are things Joe Biden has said, are written in his platform, and are in his campaign promises. Joe Biden has officiated at two attempts of marriage by same sex couples. Joe, a Catholic, one would think well formed, should know the marriage is between one man and one woman and must be witnessed by a priest or deacon of the Church.

I’m just laying out the facts that are provable and are not opinion or spin from the media. You are going to vote for the one you choose as is your right. I’m just saying facts & truth are out there and we all need to stop depending on the media to give it to us and search it out for ourselves.
Ballots are checked against the voter list to ensure that a person only votes once. This idea of ballots floating around that can be stuffed into a ballot box is uninformed or trying to hype a certain narrative.
And we all know those voter lists are completely up to date and reflect the names and addresses of registered voters as of October 5, 2020, or at least within the last few months.
i am still voting by mail for BIDEN/HARRIS!!!
4 years ago, there were some Trump/Pence stickers on cars in the Church Parking Lot.
This year there are none. Now there are some Biden/Harris stickers on cars in the Church Parking Lot.
And we all know those voter lists are completely up to date and reflect the names and addresses of registered voters as of October 5, 2020, or at least within the last few months.
Without a sarcasm tag, I have to assume you are being straightforward, and I mostly agree with you.
Lets just go ahead and assume the sarcasm tag is there. I have no confidence that any state has their registered voter rolls completely up to date.
I mean…

It’s a fact that Trump has cheated on every wife he’s had (seemingly up to Melania).

It’s a fact he’s been divorced multiple times.

Where’s the sanctity in that?
Have you ever sinned in your life? Have you ever lived a lifestyle that was not good for you and then changed your ways? Do you know of people who have? Are you aware of what Jesus teaches about sin, repentance, and reconciliation?

Are you saying anyone who has ever committed adultery is beyond redemption? Everyone who has been divorced twice is doomed to hell? Are you saying these people cannot be sanctified ever? Is your real name God?

While you are so worried about Trump’s past, you say nothing about Biden’s present. You want to make the point Trump is a bad president because you don’t like his personality. Yet you are willing to forgive Biden his platform because he has the personality of a politician. I would have to agree with you there, Joe is more smooth and politician like (except when he’s not) than Trump. But I’m not voting for the smooth guy, I’m voting for the person who is going to do the most good for this country and who is most in line with Christian values. That is Trump.
Lets just go ahead and assume the sarcasm tag is there. I have no confidence that any state has their registered voter rolls completely up to date.
I am skeptical that the roles are perfect. But, it’s hard to identify and invalidate dead people or people who’ve moved.

Here in the DC area the District, Maryland and Virginia share voter lists to look for duplicates.
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