People need to stop being so hard on the ICE agents, they’re just doing they’re job.
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Exactly, they are.People need to stop being so hard in the ICE agents, they’re just doing they’re job.
What is? Being hard on cops?So are most cops. That’s also fashionable now, though. It’s a different manifestation of the same thing.
Excuse me, but if you are “undocumented”, are not an LPR, are not here on one of the many visas the US issues, or are not a citizen, you are illegally here and are therefore an illegal immigrant.We use the more accurate word “undocumented,” not “illegal.” To be in this country without papers is a violation of civil law, not criminal law.
Yep. Certainly seems that way.Pup7:
What is? Being hard on cops?So are most cops. That’s also fashionable now, though. It’s a different manifestation of the same thing.
He’s come out against the term, but not the practice. He doesn’t want any border security and he wants to give visas to practically everyone who bothers to come here.This is a strawman. Bernie Sanders doesn’t support “open borders.”
Hmmm.How lovely that you’ve been able to benefit from the sacrifices that your grandfather made. It’s a crying shame that you don’t support extending that right to other people.
Indeed he did, went through Ellis Island processing and vetting. If immigrants were unable to work or a criminal or morally depraved or gravely sick, and they figured that they might become a burden on the taxpayers, they were sent back.Wonder if his grandfather came here legally.
Or Donald Trump. Or Rudeboy Giulliani.Please do not take moral advice from Bernie Sanders.
You’re right, consarnit! America for the Americans! Them immigrants come here and ain’t even bother to learn themselves the language.Bernie Sanders is just another Washington fat cat who doesn’t care about the working class. Stop immigration now, it does great damage to community based societies.
You should wait for empirical evidence instead of observational.And by my reckoning if it walks and quacks like a duck…