The Katie Holmes and Tom Cruise Scientology "wedding"

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But by refusing to go toher wedding, they may further alienate her and reduce the chances that she’ll come to her senses. I’m sure they’ve agonized over this, and decided this is the best way to go.
I would suspect that her parents have consulted a priest on this difficult situation. I certainly would.

Their next battle will probably be having the baby baptized.
I would bet that Katie’s Catholic upbringing (which will prick Tom’s spirit as it was also HIS upbringing) - will come into focus more now that she has a child. It happens all the time.
I could never support my child in making a decision to live in a state of sin in an invalid “marriage”.

Sorry. That’s not support for a child, that is abandonment of what you have lived your entire life to teach them.

I can understand this but having two daughters and loving them with all my heart I do not know what I would do. Maybe thier intent is to “support” it outwardly for now and inwardly hope for and work towards bringing her (and possibly him with her) back to the church in time with much prayer.

If her father is “devout”, he must be burning inside. I’d guess he doesn’t want to lose her therfore decided to outwardly support her.

I’ll be charitable here and not say what my current opinion of Mr. Cruise is. :mad: I’ll only say most garden vegetables have more sense.
I give it 4 years…out the outside.
Sounds about right. Then the typical Hollywood “trade-up” will be about do. Along with it the tabloid television shows telling us all how devistating it must be for them. I can see how it can be devistating. Marry a beautiful person until it becomes boring then trade them in for another beautiful person until it becomes boring again. And so on and so on. I feel so bad for them (Hollywood divorcees).
I heard Mr. Cruise say that you can be Catholic and a Scientologist. That was on a talk show before their baby was born. Can’t remember which show. That must mean that Scientology is nothing more than a “club” with strange rules and restrictions. The money spent on this party of the year could be better spent , maybe donating that amount to Catholic Charities??

Love and peace, mom of 5
Seems like it was a short time between dating Mr. Urban and marriage. She get a “speedy” annulment??
I think it was a pro forma “dect of form” annulments. So a big investigation wasn’t necessary. Just verifying that she’s a Catholic and she wasn’t married in the Church.
Just because her parents are attending and her Dad is walking her down the aisle, does not mean they are selling out to Hollywood.
No, just their faith.
I’m sure they’re unhappy with the situation. But no matter how much my kids screw up or how much I disapproved of the circumstances of their “wedding”, I would never abandon them on their wedding day.
They can show up for the reception, but not ceremony. Showing up for the ceremony mean they approve of the union, approval of fornication to be exact.
But by refusing to go toher wedding, they may further alienate her and reduce the chances that she’ll come to her senses. I’m sure they’ve agonized over this, and decided this is the best way to go.
There is a thing called reception you know.
No, just their faith.

They can show up for the reception, but not ceremony. Showing up for the ceremony mean they approve of the union, approval of fornication to be exact.
That is ridiculous. So if your kids make a mistake and have premarital sex, you’ll refuse to attend their wedding? What if they miss Mass, or use the Lords name in vein? Are YOU sin-free???
That is ridiculous. So if your kids make a mistake and have premarital sex, you’ll refuse to attend their wedding? What if they miss Mass, or use the Lords name in vein? Are YOU sin-free???
There is a vast difference. To attend an event that enters your child into a sinful LIFE (not talking about a one time slip into sin), shows to those in attendance and those who view from the outside, as is the case with a Hollywood wedding, that you are approving of the ceremony and the life choice that person has made.

I agree - attending the reception might have been a better option, though I still don’t have a warm fuzzy about that either. The reception is the celebration of the event that has just occured. No - I change my mind on that - the reception would have to be a no-no as well for me.

Christ never said it would be easy to follow him. In fact it sorta sux sometimes, but the end result is all that matters. Making it to heaven to be with Him is really all I care about. And if I were to support my child in taking the wrong path down that road, I could never live with myself.

Back in 2003, a couple buddies and I went on vacation to L.A. and Las Vegas (we drove from Tennessee! :eek: ) Anyways, if you’ve ever been to L.A., the Chinese Theatre is across the street from the Scientology Church. A “counselor” was on the sidewalk and was offering free I.Q. tests. My buddy, being a hardcore Marine, wanted to check the place out. I checked it out just to accompany him. We ended up taking the test (my I.Q. was 139, but anyways…) After the test you talk to a counselor. Scientology is without a doubt the biggest scam ever. I don’t doubt the sincereity of the people who teach it. As a matter of fact, they are about the nicest people I’ve ever met. But the whole concept is just junk!

Oh and the whole wedding thing? Who cares. I try to avoid celebrity gossip like the plague!!
My 6 kids know that if they marry outside the Church I will not be attending.

They have been prepared for this by my refusal to attend the wedding of their lapsed Catholic uncle to a divorced woman in a Baptist Church.

It comes down to what St Paul wrote in 1 Corinthians chapter 8.

**1 **Now in regard to meat sacrificed to idols: we realize that “all of us have knowledge”; knowledge inflates with pride, but love builds up.
**2 **If anyone supposes he knows something, he does not yet know as he ought to know.
**3 **But if one loves God, one is known by him.
**4 **So about the eating of meat sacrificed to idols: we know that “there is no idol in the world,” and that “there is no God but one.”
5 Indeed, even though there are so-called gods in heaven and on earth (there are, to be sure, many “gods” and many “lords”),
6 yet for us there is one God, the Father, from whom all things are and for whom we exist, and one Lord, Jesus Christ, through whom all things are and through whom we exist.
7 But not all have this knowledge. There are some who have been so used to idolatry up until now that, when they eat meat sacrificed to idols, their conscience, which is weak, is defiled.
8 Now food will not bring us closer to God. We are no worse off if we do not eat, nor are we better off if we do.
9 ***But make sure that this liberty of yours in no way becomes a stumbling block to the weak. ***
10 ***If someone sees you, with your knowledge, reclining at table in the temple of an idol, may not his conscience too, weak as it is, be “built up” to eat the meat sacrificed to idols? ***
11 ***Thus through your knowledge, the weak person is brought to destruction, the brother for whom Christ died. ***
12 ***When you sin in this way against your brothers and wound their consciences, weak as they are, you are sinning against Christ. ***
13 Therefore, if food causes my brother to sin, I will never eat meat again, so that I may not cause my brother to sin.

Katie’s parents are ‘ignorant’. rather than ‘devout’ Catholics, if they haven’t taken this into consideration.
I could never support my child in making a decision to live in a state of sin in an invalid “marriage”.

Sorry. That’s not support for a child, that is abandonment of what you have lived your entire life to teach them.

I agree. Did you know that her father also drew up a pre-nup? I think the media considers anyone who belongs to a parish a “devout” Catholic.

2 grounds for annulment right there. Invalid marriage & defect of intention. Good luck with that one, Katie.
I just don’t understand how the church can allow them to marry in the catholic church one day and marry in the church scientology the next. There’s so much free-all in the church. I am just so frustrated. Shouldn’t we demand that those who choose to marry in the catholic church at least intend to have a Christian marriage?

Now this morning I heard on the Today show, that they were married last week in a civil ceremony in LA.
No mention of any Catholic ceremony at all, anywhere.
The one in the castle was strictly scientology.
Now this morning I heard on the Today show, that they were married last week in a civil ceremony in LA.
No mention of any Catholic ceremony at all, anywhere.
The one in the castle was strictly scientology.
You are correct. Their publicist released a statement that they had some sort of civil procedure because you have to if you marry outside of the country. Definitely no Catholic wedding. I have to admit that I follow celebrity gossip - it’s my guilty pleasure and everything indicates that Tom Cruise is not supportive at all of anything to do with religion outside his own. It was apparently a rift between him and Nicole Kidman because she never fully embraced the religion.

As for Katie’s parents, I have to wonder how devout they are or is that term the media’s spin. I always thought that a practicing Catholic could not attend an invalid wedding where a Catholic was purposely marrying outside the church without a dispensation (and I’m assuming Katie did not get one as she doesn’t seem to have much regard for the church at this time in her life). I know that I would not attend my own child’s wedding if they did this - it hurts I know. I was married first outside the church and I had an aunt who refused to attend because she was very devout. Well I thought ill of her then but now I have come to respect her decision. By attending and being all smiles, her parents are kind of saying, we approve of this marriage even though our daughter has basically left the truth of Jesus Christ.
If the bride or groom are Catholic and do not get a dispensation from the bishop, it is not a valid marriage. But if both bride and groom are not Catholic or have officially renounced the Church, it would be a valid marriage and the parents could attend with clean conscience. So are they both not Catholic?
Here is what I wonder. Kidman was/is a Catholic. Who knows canon law on this?
Cruise was baptized Catholic and is… a heretic now.
I dont know if Mimi was or not…

Katie is a Catholic…

How does this fly?:confused:
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