The left and family separations

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The Federalist? Is that story in a slightly less hideously biased media source?

Reading over that the first thing that leaps out is that the person in question is 17. I know in Aus at least it’s rather easy for people over 16 to separate themselves from their parents due to interpersonal conflict. In this instance it looks like the parents were actively contributing to this fellow’s problems, so they chose to seek placement with their grandparents.

This isn’t all that weird. Teens remove themselves from parents they don’t get along with all the time. In this instance the issue was the parents not accepting the fellow’s gender. But I guess this doesn’t seem like anything to write home about? In Aus I know a 16 year old who was emancipated entirely because his parents were homophobic and he was gay; that’s not the government taking children away from parents. That’s teenagers wanting to get away from a household that doesn’t support them.
Anddd that’s where you and I fundamentally split over the nature of homosexuality…
By the way, it is true that the Catechism states sterilization can be done for “therapeutic or medical purposes”. So I do think there is an open-door there. Like @Gingersnaps4 and @TheLittleLady were discussing, there are scientific reasons for gender dysphoria…there’s people that really do have this issue (I mean, duh). I personally think the issue is complicated as I’ve stated. I think a person with gender dysphoria needs to pray and contemplate what they are supposed to do. Do they have the dysphoria because of the fall of man, or do they have it because maybe, just maybe it could give them a religious life (as I implied earlier, I do believe lots of the monastics and clergy throughout history may have dealt with these things and it led to them adopting those lifestyles) and therefore they shouldn’t do anything too rash but rather consider this??

It’s ultimately going to be the individual’s decision. If it’s sincere, it’s sincere. I’m not going to say a transgender person is going to Hell for it. I see no evidence of that strictly in and of itself being sinful.
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The feelings of those with gender dysphoria are not sinful(much like those with SSA), but altering one’s body IS a choice much like homosexual actions are a choice.
Indeed, but it’s not sinful per se like homosexual actions. You do have to consider that the Catechumen states sterilization may be used for “therapeutic or medical” purposes.
Its not for a “therapeutic medical” purpose since nothing is biologically wrong with their body as it is-its functioning the way God created it. If they had uterine or testicular cancer and could DIE unless they were removed that is an example of a therapeutic medical purpose for a sterilization.
Medical - of or relating to medicine. Medicine - the science or practice of the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of disease (in technical use often taken to exclude surgery). Would you not consider gender dysphoria to be a disease? Aren’t mental illnesses diseases?
Truthfully, some people consider pregnancy a disease. But no, I do not consider gender dysphoria or pregnancy diseases. Gender dysphoria is a mental disorder like OCD and people with OCD are trained using cognitive behavioral therapy to accept their unpleasant feelings without acting on their compulsions to relieve them. However, unlike a person with gender dysphoria planning on GRS for months or years, compulsions are impulsive so that may lessen the moral culpability of those with OCD if their compulsions are sinful. Just because you have a mental disorder does NOT mean you have moral license to alter your perfectly functioning body parts because they displease you.
I wish the kind of therapy you speak of was more affective for people with gender dysphoria. What I speak of seems to be what actually helps, most of the time (I don’t want to hear the classic cherrypicked story or two).

What can I say? I’m coming from experience. I’ve seen people go from sucidial to happy once they started hormones. I saw that happen before my eyes. I can’t be against it when I know it saved lives. Do I think people should strongly contemplate and pray before they do such things? Yes. God’s plan for them might not be that. However if they make that decision, I’m not going to judge.
A lot of immoral things make people happy. Homosexual sex is another example where people have said they were miserable…suicidal even, without it. They just want to look and feel more masculine or feminine because they are uncomfortable being a masculine-minded woman or feminine-minded man-they are uncomfortable with who they are.
The left is suddenly so concerned about family separations at the border but doesn’t seem to bat an eye about deadly separations in abortion. Any open borders person here care to explain this inconsistency?
Sure. It’s pretty easy and straight-forward to explain -

For those folks, “personhood” and its legal protections are not fully obtained until birth.

And this was an excellent, excellent post:
I’m not an “open borders” person (and I’m opposed to abortion) but these are two completely unrelated topics. Screeching “what about abortion though?!” in response to everything is not exactly a persuasive rhetorical technique.
At least you admit that they are in fact minded like the other gender. It’s hard, you know? I always want the girl-themed books and stuff and everyone is like “oh you wouldn’t be interested in that”. I guess it’s the pitfalls of looking the way I do. I suppose we do all have our crosses to bear. Everyone has something.

Anyways, you’re still making the error of comparing it to homosexual sex, which is a blatant sin in the Bible. Being transgender is not, in and of itself.
They just want to look and feel more masculine or feminine because they are uncomfortable being a masculine-minded woman or feminine-minded man-they are uncomfortable with who they are.
It’s a lot more than just being a “feminine-minded man” or a “masculine-minded woman”. In fact, it is entirely possible that the person may have interests closer aligned stereotypically to those of their birth gender.

Gender dysphoria deals a lot with actual displeasure with aspects of one’s self relating to gender. This includes how they are referenced, how they look, how they sound, etc. All of these cause varying levels of emotional distress and, in some cases, even physical pain, particularly in those areas associated with sexuality. How much of the distress is by nature and how much is nurtured is hard to say, but we’re reasonably certain at this point that there are biological components to it regarding brain structure, genetics, and/or hormones and possibly some other factors. (In my case, I’ve been uneasy with my gender for as long as I can remember. My mental state did become considerably worse when I was part of some online transgender communities, and it got a lot better once I left them. However, it was certainly not all nurtured.)

But as tempting as it can be to see it as just men wishing that society would allow to do “girly” things and women wishing society would allow them to do “manly” things, please try to understand it is much worse than that.
Oh, I was referring to the other one. I think this has become a tad tangled, sorry. Over all, 17 year old decides they don’t want to live with parents and be beholden to them is a bit less catchy than the article headline but seems to encapsulate it.
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