Hey, everyone. I have wondered about this for quite some time. What would the Catholic stance be on a single payer healthcare system here in the United States (or anywhere else for that matter)? The Catholic Church is against socialism and a single payer healthcare system would be a form of socialism so would it be an immoral form of health care or would it be something that would be good? Has the USCCB ever spoken on the subject of single payer healthcare systems? Have any Popes (including Pope Francis) ever said anything? Has the Vatican or the Magisterium in general ever said anything on the subject? I would just really like to know whether this is something that is compatible with Catholic teaching because I think it is something I would support if it is compatible with Catholic teaching.
There is a single payer system already at work in the United States. It is funded by the American Taxpayer and benefits a large portion of the American Population. It is called the United States Veterans Administration. I am a beneficiary.
I can tell you that all veterans who qualify are given a basic standard of healthcare. There are procedures that are not accessible to veterans according to that nature of their service. A highly decorated combat veteran is entitled to services that are not available to veterans who do not qualify based on the lack of similar experience. The system works, basic healthcare is afforded to this population, and I see a way it could work for a vast part of the population.
My suggestion, make military service mandatory for all at age 18. After 30 months of service, one may separate from the service and be enrolled in a single payer system like the VA. A minimum monthly service fee would be mandated, slightly higher for a family, and basic continuing care would be provided. And other benefits such as the GI Bill would be available for continuing education. Trump would have the people he needs to seal the borders.
If you think that would overwhelm the existing VA healthcare system, you would be right. But if the government has a program where local civiliant hospitals were compliant and offered this care, they would be funded by the government through the monthly service fees paid by Veterans. After a period of time, say 20 years, there would be no continuing service fee.
Would there be people who do not qualify, yes. But there are options for their care. it just takes someone willing to come up with the solution given the vast network of health care available in the United States. Mine isn’t the complete answer, but it is a start, maybe???