Hey, everyone. I have wondered about this for quite some time. What would the Catholic stance be on a single payer healthcare system here in the United States (or anywhere else for that matter)? The Catholic Church is against socialism and a single payer healthcare system would be a form of socialism so would it be an immoral form of health care or would it be something that would be good? Has the USCCB ever spoken on the subject of single payer healthcare systems? Have any Popes (including Pope Francis) ever said anything? Has the Vatican or the Magisterium in general ever said anything on the subject? I would just really like to know whether this is something that is compatible with Catholic teaching because I think it is something I would support if it is compatible with Catholic teaching.
It doesn’t work well at all, especially outside of primary care.
The reason why a lot of countries have universal health care is because by default the USA pays their defense bill with its nuclear navy and long-range air force. So they have more money to waste on experimental social-type programs in their cultural decadence.
Aside from that, universal health doesn’t work well because it means the national government is delivering a product. Governments do not nor will they ever (barring a completely new evolution of humanity) bring a quality product simply because they have no incentive to do so.
Since this will not happen, those who fight for universal health care (often as a means to virtue-signal good intentions despite actual results) have to resort to the usual, non-logical arguments of suggesting you want to kill grandma (even though universal health care is more likely to do that), you hate the poor, selected disadvantaged groups ect.
The problem in principle is cost. The governments control cost by rationing care and deciding who gets what. Since it’s not checked by the free market where someone who doesn’t provide a good service would make less money or go out of business, there is no incentive for the government to care----no matter many times the politicians say they do.
If you’re talking about America, think of it like this: If you like the VA Clinic, you’ll like universal health care. People are covered in terms of bureaucratic paperwork, but coverage is not the same as access in a government system.