But it seems to me, that the state, through its state run health care system, went to court to force Charlie to die on their schedule.
The parents, were able to raise funding for an alternative treatment and the possibility of extending his life.
The issue of the state intervening to encourage death, and the financial pressures which may drive such interventions (abortion, euthenasia, in utero testing and abortion counseling for potential birth defects) which lead me to question single payer health.
An issue which comes up in private and public health care debate is limited resources vs. demand. How should resources be allocated.
current trends (abortion, euthenasia, some countries extending euthenasia to mentally ill or those are depressed) has me wondering about the way that those who are less likely to generate wealth seem to be more disposable than those able to more fully participate in waged labor markets.
Encouraging the government to consolidate power in this area seems risky to the marginalized (preborn, infirm, elderly).