This is a silly reason not to offer health insurance.
The part that is a switch in arguments is when you said “
And it isn’t the role of government in a free society.” We were not talking about the role of government when I said
This is a silly reason not to offer health insurance. The whole concept of insurance is built on charging everyone for what only a few will ultimately need. If we had insurance for things that everyone needs, it would not be insurance.
We were talking about whether or not Americans would step forward with charity sufficient to meet the need. You comment about the role of government is a free society does not address this question. That is why I called it a change in subject, which it is, since you made no attempt to prove that Americans
would step forward and do that.
Who said health insurance shouldn’t be offered? It is a continuation of the same straw man argument. Implied here is that health insurance won’t be offered without government.
I don’t know which straw man argument you are talking about. It is true that I implied that sufficient health insurance will not be provided without government. But you are welcome to cite any example around the world where everyone has basic health care needs met without government involvement.