No one is insisting or even asking that you open your own home to any refugee if don’t want to. Refugees are not normally housed like that. As for living right next door to you, you have no legal or moral right to say who can living next door to you as long as that person is abiding by all applicable laws. You can’t say “I refuse to have a Catholic live next to me” or “I refuse to have an Australian live next to me” in this country.
What are your thoughts on this organized migration by the hundreds of thousands, even millions? Why all of them (most of them) directed to Europe? How did that happen?
Isn’t that a big question that is not being asked? I want you to think about that, the idea of the Trojan Horse strategy.
I want you to also remember what 19 men did with out a gun. The point is that it does not take much. Do you think the Vatican would allow an onslaught of muslims to come in freely? The Vatican is one of the more secured places in the world. The security that follows and surrounds the Pope is unlike anything in the world.
What is the point of all that? Well, it seems to me that IF this country (or any country for that matter) allows say 100,000 refugees in, and 1% of them are indeed jihadists bound and determined to mass killings in the name of their false belief, then that is 1,000. Remember, 19 unarmed men killed 3000 and less than 10 just killed over 100 in Paris.
Does it annoy you in any way when people of the Christian faith guilt trip us into making us think if we do not want this influx of mass migration that we are guilty of some kind of mortal sin? Are we to be manipulated in such ways by using compassion to beat our heads?
I for one am offended by people that would even attempt to guilt trip me with such tactics and use the old “eternal hell” threat. What arrogance. What absolute arrogance.
I am assuming here that the Lord does not want us to be fools and be manipulated in such ways.
BTW, why hasn’t the world community or the mass media (all controlled by the evil one and that is scriptural) come down on Saudi Arabia for not utilitzing their 100,000 air conditioned tents that could house 3 million refugees that are currently empty?
How in the world did this mass migration start? Why to Europe? Why are they condemning America, who gives more to charitable causes than all of the countries in the world combined?
They have flat out stated they will be attacking this country. That is not me being paranoid. It is not just a matter of them being “next door.” It is the notion that they will not be able to “vet” all of them. Considering how many of them have false IDs.
I will not be manipulated, and if that is a mortal sin then add that to my list of things I am guilty of.