Good Morning, Bahman, nice to hear from you.
So we are the victim of God’s design if we accept your assessment.
You’ve got it, Bahman. Yes, of course! I did not consider that item of Truth.
We humans see ourselves as victims of something, and the human looks for a cause. We see our suffering, we experience our suffering, and we cannot escape the notion that whatever created us had leanings toward cruelty. Fate leads us to depression, fear, despair.
Just “thinking aloud” here… with my fingers again…
In the process of reconciliation with other humans, it behooves us to take responsibility for our own role in creating the discord in the first place. It’s the hardest part, is it not? So look at what we have, we have the human condition, and for all objective consideration it is no fault of our own. We were put here, and we suffer. So, does it not serve a purpose to have a creation story that depicts us as playing a role in our own suffering, such that it is our fault? The story serves the Greater Purpose of Reconciliation, to be able to love our Creator, and life itself. When considering the harsh realities of tribal survival, do you see how vital the story is for the empowerment of the people? After all, the underlying Truth is that we are
never abandoned by God even when it really seems not to be the case. Isn’t it the ultimate incarnation that God, on the cross, experiences an abandonment by Himself?
Of course, there are some trade-offs. The biggest trade-off in the creation story is the image of a God who punishes his creation, but we have that corrected in Christ, do we not? And let’s face it, “punishment”, like victimhood, is in the eye of the beholder. Actions have their own natural consequences, then we suffer, and then we learn. The important part is that we learn… albeit slowly…
We can learn through Christ that the answer to victimhood is not necessarily ability to overpower our oppressors (from wherever they come), but through a deeper Reconciliation and through Repentance. And what does that Repentance look like? It means taking a look at what it means to be human and embracing all that we are, seeing our humanity as a gift, every aspect, every capacity, every compulsion. It is through such seeing that we can ultimately Reconcile.
And before I make it sound too much like my mind is far into the clouds (I am doing this while listening to the latest Radiohead album, which is not helping in that regard), I must say that repentance is important at all levels. Of course repentance initially has to be centered on turning from sin, a prayerful relationship rather depends on it.
Are you a victim of the creation story? Or, instead, can you see its beauty? Are we victims of life itself? I am not. Does God want us to be victims, or does He call us to follow Christ, in a daily resurrection from the ashes of our fate?
Oh, I am lost in their newest version of “True love waits”… I cannot see my computer screen…
Peace be with you