Good Morning!
Then you need to answer my question in OP.
I NEED to?
Lets put fact together to see if a God who is all wise allows this:
- Fall of angles: It is mentioned that angels fall was because of sin of pride. It however doesn’t mentioned that how one can sin in blessed Heaven. State of mind is the state of love and harmony in haven. How then angels could fall?
- Fall of Adam and Eve: Fall of Adam and Eve was because of eating the fruit from the tree of knowledge. Why God should keep the tree in the garden knowing the fact Adam and Eve would eat it? Moreover why God give access to the garden to Satan knowing the fact that he can manage to tempt Adam and Eve?
- It is obvious that a God who is all wise wouldn’t allow to this happen. The only option which is available is that all these were part of God plan. But how a God who is all good can allow that evil happen?
Your thought?
Well, we sort of covered this already. God is not a puppeteer. Remember what I said about hitting the “create” button? Well, God saw, he knew that we would make poor choices and suffer, but that we would learn from our choices. He saw something good to come out of the whole of it, and He hit the button.
Doesn’t it all boil down to the last question, “how a God who is all good can allow that evil happen?” We started to delve into that, and I shared my thoughts in my last post to you. No, we don’t have all the answers, but much of the problems between humans are because we are born ignorant yet make choices, we have free will.
I know it is hard to get our heads around this, but God has His plan, but we have our own plans too, not controlled by God. Do we take our life, our world, and make a better place? If we are active in doing that, we come to see the world in a more positive way. What about you, Bahman, have you “grabbed the bull by the horns”, or have you remained a victim? We all have the opportunity to be victims, right?
We can know God in relationship(s).
If you want a more specific answer on one of those, please let me know. Thank you.