I suggest you read ZZxzx_Road’s linked article about “We’re making decisions without reliable data”.
The worst part of this is people are panicking and making decisions based on emotion, fear, and lack of data. During today’s normal press conference, the CDC Director essentially said they were fairly certain the transmission of the disease did not take place through “aerosol” means, or basically not through droplets in the air, but by remaining on surfaces where it then is transferred by touch from that object to the person’s mouth, eyes, or nose.
So if that’s true, why are we “social distancing”? That wouldn’t matter would it? Wouldn’t it also make sense that instead of locking down our entire globe, we ensure that those who are the most susceptible (e.g.: nursing homes, hospitals, etc.) are kept isolated? And the those who have pre-existing conditions stay at home? And the rest of us 80% (at minimum) could go about maintaining world sanity (errr… order). That would have a completely less dramatic effect that will ripple throughout society in so many more harmful ways.