I didn’t mention anything about the Vatican or Papal States.
You sniped at the Church of Sweden being an arm of the Swedish state. I likewise indicated that your Church is under the thumb of a state, several actually since if the Dubia crisis has shown us anything it’s how much clout the German party has in the Pope being so unwilling to speak out against them.
By their fruits we should be able to see if they are truly Christian. Not seeing much in fruits of Faith from the ‘Church’ of Sweden but tons of fruits of despising God.
And what does your opinion mean exactly? The Church of Sweden doctrinally considers Catholics to be bad Christians, among the worst actually since I don’t believe the claim that the Pope is the Pontiff of Satan has ever been recanted.
As far as they’re concerned your faith is in vain and deeply immoral too. You think they’re sinners, they think you’re a sinner. Doesn’t this just stand as proof that the idea that we shouldn’t ensure religious convictions should be enshrined above the rights of individuals is to not put too fine a point on it is not going to work to your benefit?
I’m confused, what are you guys arguing about?
The main case in the Australian SSM case is that the rights of believers (i.e: Their dislike and unwillingness to aknowledge same sex relationships) should be enshrined above a gay couples freedom to marry.
I’ve shown an example where this logic is going to lead to a very bad place, in Sweden the supreme Church is pro same sex marriage and declares clergy who refuse to perform them grave sinners. Likewise in turn the goverment in an effort to respect and promote the religious convictions of the State religion is taking action against individuals who do not agree with the religious convictions of the Church of Sweden, by sacking and denying services to people who do not agree with it’s moral tenants; exactly what the Catholic Church and other assorted conservative denominations want to do in Australia today.
TL;DR: “It must be law because my religion” is not a good argument, because as believers sometimes discover all too late is that the majority religious conviction that carries the day isn’t always what they want and they may find letting people who they disagree with do their own thing is likely preferable to another religious majority ramming their beliefs down their throat.