It has the will of the people behind it, which is greater then even legal rights, which can all be changed by the will of the people.It has no legal rights.
Why do you think the ‘yes’ campaign has been against this vote from day one? because they can easily lobby the political elite with fake and misleading polls to put this thing through. This postal survey is the only chance we have to say ‘no’ to this and yet you treat it with such disregard.The government already has the mandate to just introduce a bill. They don’t need a dodgy survey to do it.
And I guarantee you, if a no vote is returned, and it goes before parliament, it will result in a no vote there, and if it doesn’t, it will be plain to all that they are unjustly denying the will of the people and it can much more easily overturned.And I can guarantee you, if a no vote is returned, they will still introduce the bill.
‘yes’ or ‘no’ result, the ones I’d be most upset with are the apathetic like yourself. Who had a chance to say something, but chose not to, and as simple as ticking a box on a piece of paper and putting it in the mail. You certainly wont get that chance when your kids or grandkids are being told they can choose their gender in schools and people are being hauled before anti discrimination commissions and fined because they voiced Catholic teaching on marriage or when Catholic Schools are being commandeered by the State to stamp out Catholic Teaching on marriage which is called hateful, homophobic and bigoted by these people.You watch and wait
“For the sake of His sorrowful passion, have mercy on us and on the whole world.”
Thank you for reading
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