Paris Blues:
I just wanted to ask your guys’ opinion…
It’s been a whole year since I’ve seen the Passion and thought that I shouldn’t see it again (was powerful one time viewed!). But now I’m pondering if I should see it again…what do you guys recommend?
I couldn’t get up the will to see it in the movies, as I often get emotional just meditating on the sorrowful mysteries of the Rosary.
I saw it after it went to DVD. It is a movie that just rips your heart out. I don’t like to weep in public, so for me at home is the right place for watching this.
My one should have to go through such suffering, and for a mother to have to endure watching her Son be tortured is just heart rending. The Passion is by far the most heart renching movie I have ever seen. After experiencing such sorrow, no wonder Jesus placed His Mother in such high esteem such as making her Queen of the Angels.
I don’t think I needed to see the movie to appreciate what Christ did for us. I knew already it was pretty gruesome what he had to go through. However what you read on paper does not have quite the impact of what you see on film or in real life. The movie did this in great detail.
Parts of the movie was very difficult to watch. It would be hard to determine IF the movie would have the same impact if some of the torture scenes are removed or toned down. The reality is, Jesus suffered horribly. The movie only shows a few minutes of it, it went on for hours.
I haven’t decided if I will see it again (at the theaters) or not.
I can see why protestants don’t want their congregation to see this movie. They would gain a new respect for Mary, something they have denied her for so long.
They would have to ask themselves, if Jesus is really God and He loved His mother as most folks do, would Jesus not have granted His mother a fitting place in Heaven as Catholics claim, especially when she had to endure so much during the passion.
Protestants like to think of Mary as only having given birth to Jesus. Afterwards she disappeared. They choose to ignore the fact that Mary was at the cross. How many mothers can endure watching her son get tortured and crucified ???
IF I were God and my mother had to go through this, I would grant her any and every honor I could think of including Queen of the Universe, can Jesus do any less ?
Christ’s Peace