Hi Strider, are you saying that:I used this example in a different thread, but I believe it works here.
Do you understand the Blessed Trinity?
Me neither.
Do you believe in the Blessed Trinity?
Me, too.
Here, I believe, is a case where faithful Christians will themselves to believe something that cannot be understood.
If we can do that, then why can we not will ourselves to believe in the inerrancy of the Church in the areas of faith and morals. You all know the Scripture passages where Jesus gave the apostles infallibility, and you all understand apostolic authority.
If the Church is wrong on any teaching of faith and morals, then how can She be trusted on any other teaching, and the whole authority of the Church, founded by Jesus Christ, crumbles, all because we prideful men decided we knew better than the Body of Christ, of which he is the head.
God bless
If the Church is wrong on a single issue,
then it cannot be right on anything
and, thus, the Church crumbles.
If so, then that does not follow. Being wrong on one issue does not mean it cannot be right on many others and considerable confidence can be placed in Tradition.
Given what I have learned, it seems to me that the role of Tradition changes over time. Before the scriptures were canonized, it was the only way to convey the gospel. But with Scripture in place, it is now the more reliable source of God’s word. An example of the position of authority that Scripture has is when Jesus was being tempted by the devil, He did not quote Jewish tradition. He quoted Scripture.
Of our spiritual armor (Eph. 6:13-17), the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God is listed. Tradition is not included among the armor. God’s word is also the only offensive weapon listed among the items of armor.
This fact is relevant in view of Matt. 16:18. I found Reformed Rob’s thread about this verse very interesting. A gate, indeed, is a defensive structure. Gates don’t go other places to fight. The gate mentioned here is the site of the battle. Of our spiritual armor, the sword of the Spirit is the only offensive weapon we have to fight and win the battle at these gates. It makes so much sense. We are battling for the souls of non-Christians. What will win their hearts is the truth contained in the Word of God.
Even if gates could go other places and wage an offensive fight, the word “prevail” implies final outcome. It says nothing about small victories and losses on either side. It does not follow that the Church would necessarily be infallible. It only implies when the battle is finally over (presumably when Christ returns) the church will have ultimately prevailed.
Strider, I also hear you saying that
Unbelief = Not understanding
This also does not follow. As an example, I do not understand the Trinity, but I believe in that doctrine. On the other hand, I understand infallibility but do not believe the Church is perfectly infallible. Again, this is based on church history and lack of scriptural support, not difficulty in understanding. Nor is it due to pride. God knows my heart. I am completely committed to Him and deeply in love with Him. My personality is very submissive and compliant. I have no problem believing things I don’t understand and submitting to authority. But my first allegiance is to God. If something doesn’t square with His Word and the Holy Spirit’s impression on my conscience, then I have to obey.