YOU said that teachings and rules have expanded to account for things that exist today which did not exist in ancient times (you mentioned IVF).Huh? That does not make sense. No teachings have changed. Not a one. Disciplines have changed. Our understanding has developed, but never has the Church changed her teachings on any issue of faith and morals.
Then I said it was illogical to say this process only should work one way - if new concepts require new rules and teachings then new concepts also require reevaluation of old rules and old teachings. Not doing this is what led to the embarassment of Copernicus and Gallileo.
I’ve have heard it said that humans created God in their own image and likeness - and now you are saying what God can and can’t do. Can’t change, can’t try anything new? Must be really boring being a god!If God could change that would mean He has potential to change and He would not be God. God said I Am who Am. He was not born, He always existed and He cannot change. You do not have to, that is the way it is.
There is nothing to interpret in my examples - that’s what it says God did.That is a basic flaw in understanding the bible. It comes from self interpretation, which is itself illogical.
You said it was easy to believe and I’m merely disagreeing with you.Who said that?
But most of the prime areas of dissent have to do with things that are unreasonable - so then you only have faith… How can “faith” tell you that only men can be priests when it is totally illogical? The heart will never accept what the mind rejects.Faith and reason are necessary to accept the truth. Reason alone will never get you where you need to be. Although, many have given great proofs that Christ was God through the use of history and reason.
So when God creates a soul for the IVF human, God is playing along and our only conclusion can be that the use of our free will in that situation is OK. Sounds fine to me.As I said God gave us free will. He does not interfer with our choices. If He did it would not be free will.
I don’t reject any of the teachings which can reasonably be shown to have originated with him.The Scripture quote was given to show you that Jesus said many would reject His teachings.