Jesus seems to be directly addressing the ‘perils of dissent’. What are those perils? That a person will not be great in the kingdom of heaven.
I think it is worth noting that dissenters are not banned from the kingdom of heaven. …
I disagree with such a dangerous notion. Surely not all disobedience is
mortal sin, but in many instances it is
mortal sin, depending upon the gravity of the offense, and the consent of the will and intellect. In such instances, just one mortal sin and you are surely cut off from Christ. You lose justification and YOU ARE in a state of UNrighteousness, and if you remain unrepentent in that one mortal sin, you will not inherit eternal life, no matter how much assent or dissent you cling to in other areas.
St. John contrasts faith with disobedience in his Gospel. In John 1:12, what does it mean to “recieve” and “believe”? In Jn 3:36, St. John asserts that *disobey *is the opposit of
believe. Those who do not believe, that is, the disobedient, will not inherit eternal life. Those who are “lukewarm” will be spit out of Christ’s mouth. If you look in that verse of Revelation when St. John speaks of lukewarmness, it seems he is referring to our actions, or works.
Rev 3:15-16:
"I know your works; you are neither cold nor hot. I wish that you were either cold or hot. So, because you are lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I am about to spit you out of my mouth.
I don’t imagine the figure “spit you out of my mouth” refers to remaining in Christ, in the glory of God, but in a lesser place in heaven.
Our Catholic Creed includes belief in the Holy Catholic Church. The contrast to belief, is disobedience. What the Church binds on earth
is bound in heaven, and the Church binds Catholics to obedience to Divine Law, Ecclesiastical law, and Civil Law. We are dispensed from Civil Law, however, in those instances when Civil Law violates the laws of higher authority (e.g., Divine and Ecclesiastical law). Note, too, that the Church has condemned the proposition that canon law can be opposed to Divine Law, in general.
So, in general, Ecclesiastical Law is just as binding as Divine law unless one receives dispensation for the application of canon law in a particular case, or if there’s no time to seek dispensation and there’s a doubt of law regarding its intent in a particular circumstance, necessity brings dispenation (cf. canon 14). For example, we are bound to attend Mass on Sunday. Does that law apply when one is terribly ill? It certainly applies in general, and to violate such a law, in general, is a grave offense. But in this instance, there’s certainly sufficient doubt as to it’s intended application. Such a doubt dispenses from the obligation of the law in that instance.
Dissent from law is not the same as doubt of law. The perils of dissent most certainly includes loss of eternal life.