Thanks @RandomAlias
That is not true. St. Augustine a doctor of the church clearly had different ideas. He clearly made a distinction between the literal words of genesis and how he thought creation happened in the real world when he said that creation happens all at once in an instant instead of 6 days. He wasn’t called a liar or a heretic.The Catholic church has always until recently taught a literal creation,
It’s never been church doctrine that a literal interpretation of genesis is the only possible way to interpret genesis. You just showed us a Church Father whom respected this fact to add further proof to my point. The popularity of an opinion is irrelevant.out of 24 Church Fathers only 1 taught that the ages my be longer and he based this on his belief that the sun could not set on God when he was creating so a day could not be a day and it was not his thought to begin with.
Evolution is a scientific theory. Science is not true or untrue based on beliefs. Gravity works whether I believe in it or not. I don’t believe in evolution because I see no evidence to support it. I see much more evidence to support intelligent design.This thread is for those Christians who think that natural evolution is an intrinsically evil process and that therefore Christians must reject the theory in principle.
I agree…Evolution is a scientific theory. Science is not true or untrue based on beliefs.
The idea that a loving, wise, and powerful God used evolution—with its “struggle for existence” and “survival of the fittest”—as his method of creation is grotesque! Evolution is the cruelest, most wasteful and most irrational method of “creation” that could ever be
The postulated suffering and death of multiplied billions of animals in the course of evolutionary “progress” from amoeba to man is a libel against the character of the Creator—who must certainly have been capable of creating each organism complete, with its own
perfectly designed structure for its own unique function, right from the start. Evolution may make some sense in the context of atheism, but it certainly does not fit Christian theism!
…Monod was an outstanding biologist, winner of a Nobel Prize, and thoroughly convinced of evolutionism, but he could see no way it could be compatible with theism:
“[Natural] selection is the blindest, and most cruel way of evolving new species. . . The struggle for life and elimination of the weakest is a horrible process, against which our whole modern ethics revolts. . . . I am surprised that a Christian would defend the idea that this
is the process which God more or less set up in order to have evolution.”
Bertrand Russell, another atheistic scientist/philosopher, put it this way: “Religion, in our day, has accommodated itself to the doctrine of evolution. . . .We are told that. . . evolution is the
unfolding of an idea which has been in the mind of God throughout. It appears that during those ages . . . when animals were torturing each other with ferocious horns and agonizing stings, Omnipotence was quietly waiting for the ultimate emergence of man, with his still more widely diffused cruelty. Why the Creator should have preferred to reach His goal
by a process, instead of going straight to it, these modern theologians do not tell us.”
I never did, apart from showing that Christ was 66 generations from Adam, now if you want to count them generations anything but literal then go ahead, because the bible makes it real easy to count the years from Christ back to Adam and it says 4000 years. That is what the Church teaches now if someone in that church wants to put another take on that and say this is what is meant, then by all means, but don’t try to make out that the Church and Catholicism is all for evolution and we accept it is a fact and how God created things, because I am a Catholic and depend on the word of God being true for my salvation then I must believe that the word of God when it comes to Adam is literal. Science does come in when it comes to Y chromosome adam and Mitochondrial Eve because they lead to around 6000 years ago because it can’t go any further into a parent of both Adam or Eve.Anybody who argues that a literal interpretation of genesis is infallible church doctrine is being dishonest.
More like 150,000 or more years agoScience does come in when it comes to Y chromosome adam and Mitochondrial Eve because they lead to around 6000 years ago because it can’t go any further into a parent of both Adam or Eve.
This is a common misunderstanding. It is not about the survival of the individual, but about their DNA. A wimp with four children who dies age 30 is “fitter” than a big strong hulk with no children who lives until 60. The wimp has passed on more DNA to future generations than the hulk.Don’t forget that evolution allows the strongest to survive while the weak ones die.