Those two statements are mutually contradictory. Savoir le grec (ou le francais, ou meme l’anglais), c’est vraiment l’apprendre sans cesse. Et ca veut dire qu’on peut le savoir sans le savoir parfaitement, ce que vous venez de nier.
So the only knowledge of Greek that counts is that of an accomplished professional scholar? Sorry, but this is the kind of attitude that is killing the classical languages, and language learning generally. Every little counts.
A “working knowledge” simply means a knowledge that is usable, even if it’s imperfect. There’s nothing wrong with that. We are all imperfect–presumably you are too, though from your post one wouldn’t know that you know this!
Well, the standard evangelical argument is that each denomination has a different perspective on matters not essential to the faith, and that this makes for a healthy diversity, an opportunity for humility for all Christians (who need to learn to listen to those with whom they differ rather than writing them off), and (perhaps most importantly) a more effective evangelization, since Pentecostals may reach people that Presbyterians or Catholics cannot.
I do not agree with this argument for a minute–I am simply reporting it as fairly as possible.
I am still scratching my head about your reply in particular and protestants protesting on this site in general, as it they could expect any quarter from Catholics. I’ll take your not one minute parting shot as charity, close as it may have followed upon your ad hominem on my self-knowledge, which was just little uncharitable. For my part, I am not convinced by your reply for one second.
Quant aux langues…
You’ve misundertood the argument, in part because you’ve misunderstood Sainte-Beuve. The argument concerns the authority of the RCC to read and interpret the Bible, as opposed the doomed and typical Protestant approach of monolingualism and every man his own interpreter. Yes, the RCC must have superb Greek scholarship to do this: the NT was written in Koine, not English, and especially not Tudor or Stuart English.
Surely you’ve misunderstood the argument, since when you endorse (albeit in a strawman argument ) an “imperfect knowledge” you must be referring to the laity. That’s already one problem, however, which is why I mention it: with so many sects, the laity is in the saddle of reading and interpreting according to its own lights: atomization within fragmentation.
(What’s killing the classics is
nothing like what you mention, and that one I’ll just forgive you on, especially as it is totally beside the point.)
I think we live in different worlds: you mention two sects, when there may be tens of thousands, and nobody seems to want to argue with the figures of 500 to 1000!
A lottery of religions thanks to the blessed reformers and their rascal offspring, most of whom cannot be blamed because they were and are ignorant of Hebrew, Greek, Latin and the learning in modern languages which clarify the Bible and the one true holy and apostolic faith, the RCC.
I think I understand, however: I used to think the reformation produced a few religions, one or two of which not so different from my own. I read the reformers with interest and sympathy, and the Puritan divines (Gataker, for one) so far as time could take me.
Then it dawned on me after years of study: the questionable and rapid course of events in sixteenth-century history not only suggested nothing like the early days of the church, but despite some admirable learning here and there, the arguments were wrong, even bad: Calvin’s views on predestination are completely untenable, and hateful: not even his NT reference bear scrutiny prima facie! These were not reformers, they were renegades and outlaws protected by scoundrels like H VIII and the German princes.
By their works…: contraception (the pill kills), legalized abortion on demand, the slow but certain sanctification of homosexuality and homosexual marriage (where else but in the Bay State!): these are the views of mainstream protestantism, hard to distinguish from the town hall or the playboy channel.
No doubt some sects reach more than the RCC, even if She is yet larger and older than the groups these wayward believers form and keep forming: but with what do they reach them? The very fragmentation and atomization which have lead us to “all our woe.”
Evangelicals: to the extent that they become aware of the true history of the Church and of Her theology, they will come back to Her. They were the one and only group to stand with the RCC on abortion in recent years and Her efforts to out-law partial-birth abortion. Nor did they take part in the Catholic bashing after Supreme Courth, with its five Roman Catholic justices, decision.
God bless.