The "right" to... whatever!

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Just like the proposed inhabitants of my hypothetic world. They would be created to be free to choose rapes and such, but would not WANT to do it.

Let me hope that you will now explicitly abandon your “well designed robot” argument… though I will not hold my breath.
I doubt Charlemagne will abandon his argument.

Here’s why:

I’m FREE to choose to rape

But I won’t WANT to

So HOW am I choosing? (if I can’t choose)

P.A. You’re arguments have so many holes in them, I think I could water my flowers with them if they were a flower waterer.

Be back tomorrow - maybe.
I doubt Charlemagne will abandon his argument.
Possibly, but for a totally different reason.
I’m FREE to choose to rape
But I won’t WANT to
So HOW am I choosing? (if I can’t choose)
You choose to do something else. Let’s consider a different example. Traveling on a public transportation I have a seat. There are no other empty seats on the bus. I see an old lady getting on the bus. I have two options: 1) staying on my seat and let the old lady stand, and 2) get up and offer my seat to the lady. I am free to choose either option, but due to my upbringing I would NEVER choose to stay seated. I COULD choose to sit, but I do not WANT to see the old lady stand.

Maybe you will understand what I mean. Maybe not. 🤷
P.A. You’re arguments have so many holes in them, I think I could water my flowers with them if they were a flower waterer.
Gotta love these empty and yet derogatory remarks. So full of “charity”. If you see some holes, why don’t you point them out?
I have to admit I find this perspective shocking. Despite the fact that I have read perhaps dozens of posts from atheists, some proposing outrageous requirements of “proofs” to the existence of God, I am still amazed.

The historical evidence around the world, throughout cultures, languages, politics, etc. that Jesus founded a church is irrefutable. Even if you don’t believe that Jesus was who He claimed to be, or the Church is not what He taught that it was, the facts are part of history. Such a statement makes it clear the degree to which one will go to deny the facts to cling to one’s position.

There is hardly a single academic, atheist or believer, who disputes that Jesus Christ, the historical Jew of ancient Palestine, lived, preached, established a church and was killed by Roman authorities.

Only outliers deny this.

As I said, there are always folks, like the anti-vaxxers, the 6000 year old earthers, the 911 Truthers, who dispute what is simply incontrovertible, but there is no way to repair the mindset of these type of recusant individuals.
I submit that the story itself is historical evidence. Regardless of whether one chooses to believe the content, the mere existence of the story is an historical artifact.
What about the other mythologies? Do you give any credence to those?
The historical evidence around the world, throughout cultures, languages, politics, etc. that Jesus founded a church is irrefutable. Even if you don’t believe that Jesus was who He claimed to be, or the Church is not what He taught that it was, the facts are part of history. Such a statement makes it clear the degree to which one will go to deny the facts to cling to one’s position.
But that is not the point. The name “Jesus” was very common back then. The question is exactly the “miracles” allegedly performed by Jesus. There is no evidence for them. And as Aquinas said: if the resurrection did not happen then all the faith is groundless. Where is the evidence of that resurrection?
There is hardly a single academic, atheist or believer, who disputes that Jesus Christ, the historical Jew of ancient Palestine, lived, preached, established a church and was killed by Roman authorities.
See the question directly above. 🙂
Possibly, but for a totally different reason.

You choose to do something else. Let’s consider a different example. Traveling on a public transportation I have a seat. There are no other empty seats on the bus. I see an old lady getting on the bus. I have two options: 1) staying on my seat and let the old lady stand, and 2) get up and offer my seat to the lady. I am free to choose either option, but due to my upbringing I would NEVER choose to stay seated. I COULD choose to sit, but I do not WANT to see the old lady stand.

You just poked holes through your own argument. You choose to give the lady the seat because you want to, so that is your choice. If you didn’t want to, you would choose not to. Suppose you were sick, or pregnant, or had a bum leg, or the old lady was very athletic looking? You would probably choose not to offer her your seat. But at least you have the option.
You just poked holes through your own argument.
I am not aware of it. Maybe I am just an imbecile with an IQ of 60 or less, but I cannot see any “holes”. Where and what are they?
You choose to give the lady the seat because you want to, so that is your choice. If you didn’t want to, you would choose not to. Suppose you were sick, or pregnant, or had a bum leg, or the old lady was very athletic looking? You would probably choose not to offer her your seat. But at least you have the option.
So, was it a free choice? Or was I a robot? Because that it the question.

If everyone has the option to kill, torture, maim, etc… and NO ONE chooses those options, does it make the people “robots”? And they do not choose that option, because even the thought of those actions is revolting to them. Not because someone performs a quick brainwashing on them.

There is hardly a single academic, atheist or believer, who disputes that Jesus Christ, the historical Jew of ancient Palestine, lived, preached, established a church and was killed by Roman authorities.
Hello PRmerger, I find this quite interesting, in fact intriguing, could I get a short list of atheists that support this claim?
You are wrong. I only agree with the first part. Actually, I say that he did not go far enough. The believers need no evidence, that is true. But the believers would discard any evidence to the contrary. They would explain away by some reference to “free will”, or by some “maybe”. Just look at any thread about the “problem of evil”.
Granted, Christianity has had to address and respond to all the calumny that has been leveled against the Church for 2 millenia.

But no one with any sense tries to “explain away evil”. On the contrary, we believe that evil is personified in Satan. We also believe in hoardes of fallen angels that engage and foment evil. One way this is done is through tempting humans to do evil, of which there is plenty. If you think is not true, then go ahead and start a thread on the problem of evil. 😉
Now the second part is wrong, completely wrong. There can be no skepticism which cannot be “cured” by a good smack on the head. But such radical methods are not necessary. I already gave an example to PR about a situation which cannot be explained away. The laws of physics cannot be changed by us, or by any super-duper advanced space alien race.
Clearly your skepticism is immune from such interventions.

The laws of physics can, and are, changed. They are just descriptions of how the material universe functions, but the spiritual realm is more powerful.
I could give some more hypothetical scenarios. It is easy, once one starts to think outside the box. I could be convinced by God, if he so chose. But only by him.
I think not. It seems clear from your posts that there is no acceptable manner in which God can prove Himself to you. The rules and standards are appaling and unreasonable. Besides which, demonstrate an equal degree of hubris.
Nope. I am not determined at all. But I like to use my brain and poke holes into arguments. By the way, if God would present himself, I would not need to “believe”, I would KNOW. There would be no need to “force” to believe. What strange choice of words. You cannot “force” someone to believe, you can only convince one of the error of his ways.
God has presented Himself in such a way that those who wish to believe are able. A heart that is hardened against God is unwilling to accept what revelation exists. As Jesus has taught us “to he who has, more will be given”. Since you refuse the revelation that has been given, He will not give you more. It is about relationship, not proofs. If someone reveals important things about Himself and you refuse to accept it/listen, why would such a person reveal more? If I wrote you a letter, telling you important things about myself, and you sent it back (writing on it “legend”) do you think I would try to send you more?

Heb. 11: 6And without faith it is impossible to be well-pleasing unto him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that seek after him.

If you come with faithlessness and refusal to accept what has been revealed, then you will not experience the rewards given to those who come in faith.
Again, that is not correct. From the actual state of affairs - reality - one can draw two conclusions, either God does not exist, or his attributes are not what you IMAGINE them to be. Definitely not “loving” and “caring”.

We see it differently. 😃

God is our creator, and He is above our standards and judgements. You have replaced God with yourself, and reserved the right to define what is “loving” and “caring”.

Isa 45: “Woe to those who quarrel with their Maker, those who are nothing but potsherds among the potsherds on the ground. Does the clay say to the potter, ‘What are you making?’ Does your work say, ‘The potter has no hands’?”

How is it that this sentiment has been embraced, understood, and benefitted the faithful for 4000 years? Is it not possible that others have discovered something about our Maker that you have not?
It would be a very pleasant world. No rapes, wars, murders would occur. People would be decent, they would not want to commit “bad” acts. Not because I would need to interfere, rather because I would create them with the attitude which prevents negative actions. In other words, they would “police” themselves. This alleged need for constant interference is the sign of inferior design. A good designer creates a good solution up front, not one which needs constant supervision, and tinkering. Some people might call it utopia, and their voice is filled with disdain and contempt. Strange people… what is so desirable about genocide, rape, torture and wars? Not to mention acts of terrorism.
We are all very fortunate that you are not our Maker. He knows what is best for us, and He created us in love, for love. Love resides in freedom, not slavery or compliance. He did not want creatures that were designed to be puppets, but those made in His image and likeness. True freedom includes the freedom to disobey, and rebel.

Your statement reflects the fact that you do not understand what love is.
Of course people would have free will, they would simply not WANT to commit those heinous acts which make this world pretty bad - especially for the victims and their families.
It does not work that way. True freedom means that a person has a choice. A choice means that what is unwanted also exists. You do not understand freedom either.
What about the other mythologies? Do you give any credence to those?
Of course, I am a scientist. How can one not do some comparitive analysis between the 10 commandments and the Code of Hammurabi?

Do not these mythologies in themselves provide “evidence”? Maybe you have not read any of the seminal work of Joseph Campbell, who found similarities over the entire planet? All of them exist within history. To deny that they constitute “historical evidence” is absurd!
But that is not the point. The name “Jesus” was very common back then. The question is exactly the “miracles” allegedly performed by Jesus. There is no evidence for them. And as Aquinas said: if the resurrection did not happen then all the faith is groundless. Where is the evidence of that resurrection?
That is not what you said, Pallas. Yous said there was “no historical evidence”. Christianity itself is HUGE historical evidence, and has formed the underpinnings of the entire Western Civilization.

You refuse to accept the evidence that has been given for the resurrection. I guess if you accepted the historical facts, and the evidence, you would feel somehow morally obligated to respond to it, which you wish to avoid. 🤷

You say that you would create mankind to desire the good, but you have enough power to choose this for yourself, and yet refuse. That makes your fantasy creation quite a hypocrisy.
Hello PRmerger, I find this quite interesting, in fact intriguing, could I get a short list of atheists that support this claim?

There are no official polls that answer this question based on beliefs, however, the academic community that governs scholars of Christian Antiquity known as The Society of Biblical Literature meets every November and they are made up of the roughly 5,500 scholars (mostly university professors) and they have a wide range of personal beliefs including Christian (Evangelical Christian, Lutheran, Catholic, etc.), Atheists, and Agnostic. (In a move of complete disclosure, I myself identify as Agnostic). In this community of scholars, every single one of them acknowledges a belief in the existence of the historical Jesus. Out of all the Ph.D. university professors whom teach New Testament, Classical, Antiquity, or any other related field, I know of only one historian, Robert Price, who is an avid believer in the concept of mythisicsm (the belief that the historical Jesus was fiction).
Looks to me that the right to communal life trumps individual self-expression. So there is a hierarchy of “rights”.
I would generally agree. But there is a delicate balance.
Mutual respect of persons, yes. Mutual respect of ideas, NO.
I find it hard to separate the two (although you did say ‘mutual’ which isn’t necessarily relevant).
Again, the legend itselff is evidence that something historically occurred, if only that a legend was created and passed down through history.
The second phrase has me puzzled. That a legend is only evidence of…that legend. Not necessarily that something actually happened as passed down to create that legend. Although, to be fair, you did say in a later post that any given legend must be based on something.

With that, I agree. But how accurately the legend represents what happened is open to question. Knights died in the search for the Holy Grail. What? Kid’s stories. Stuff and nonsense. Arthur and Merlin? Uther Pendragon? Well, they are ancient Welsh legends. Based on…well, who knows. The Truth? Well. They must have been based on something…
Hello PRmerger, I find this quite interesting, in fact intriguing, could I get a short list of atheists that support this claim?
Hate to intrude.

Well, not really.

Are you saying, robsully, that some people believe Jesus never existed???

Are they educated people?

Have they heard of Josephus?
Have they heard of Nero? Fun to die for someone who never existed.
What about Constantine? Some conspiracy that must have been! Get the emporer to declare an emporical religion based on nothing but what some guys thought they saw.
Have they heard of excavations going on all the time in Israel?
Have they heard that the house Peter lived in was found in Capernum?
Do they know that the prison in Rome where Peter was internned can be visited?
Do they believe Paul went all the way to Athens to preach at the Agora’, which can be seen right now today, just to talk about some guy he knew never existed? It was a long treck back then - no flights, trains or cars.

You could believe Jesus wasn’t the messiah
You could believe the resurrection was a hoax

But you can’t believe He never existed.

Well, you can actually. Just don’t treat people who do as if they were dumb.

I would generally agree. But there is a delicate balance.

I find it hard to separate the two (although you did say ‘mutual’ which isn’t necessarily relevant).

The second phrase has me puzzled. That a legend is only evidence of…that legend. Not necessarily that something actually happened as passed down to create that legend. Although, to be fair, you did say in a later post that any given legend must be based on something.

With that, I agree. But how accurately the legend represents what happened is open to question. Knights died in the search for the Holy Grail. What? Kid’s stories. Stuff and nonsense. Arthur and Merlin? Uther Pendragon? Well, they are ancient Welsh legends. Based on…well, who knows. The Truth? Well. They must have been based on something…
Hello Bradski,

Nice to see you again.

You know me - won’t be getting too involved in this stuff.

Unless I hear something really weird - plus this thread is moving along too quickly for me. Time is limited and it takes time to go back and read posts…

So, I don’t really know what you and guanophore are talking about.
Just to say hello.

Possibly, but for a totally different reason.

You choose to do something else. Let’s consider a different example. Traveling on a public transportation I have a seat. There are no other empty seats on the bus. I see an old lady getting on the bus. I have two options: 1) staying on my seat and let the old lady stand, and 2) get up and offer my seat to the lady. I am free to choose either option, but due to my upbringing I would NEVER choose to stay seated. I COULD choose to sit, but I do not WANT to see the old lady stand.

Maybe you will understand what I mean. Maybe not. 🤷

Gotta love these empty and yet derogatory remarks. So full of “charity”. If you see some holes, why don’t you point them out?
Good morning P.A.

You do have a way of getting me involved…

I always understand what you say. I’m pretty good at understanding. It’s just that I don’t agree with you and sometimes you make arguments that make no sense.
That’s not a derogatory remark. It’s not about YOU personally. I don’t know you. It’s a remark about what you say. You could be a very nice person, but say something that doesn’t make sense and I’m allowed to comment and say it makes no sense. Hope you see the difference.

Now “charity” means love. I could love a gay friend of mine but still not agree with his life. Love is a strange and complicated thing. I’m talking about a friend of mine nobody here knows - have to be careful what we say on these threads.

Now to your transportation example:

No seats available
Old lady gets on the bus
Two Options
Stay in seat
Relinquish seat
Due to your upbringing you’d relinquish
You do not WANT to see the old lady stand

Okay. But you’re basing your choice on something real and acceptable: Your upbringing.
So, you see, you DO have a choice and you chose correctly.

But in the scenario you brought forth in your previous post, you said you’d create a world where everyone would want to be nice.

So if you create everyone to want to be nice - there is no longer a choice available to them!


The choice comes in when I could CHOOSE to NOT get up for the old lady. Otherwise, there IS NO choice if you MAKE ME BE NICE AND GOOD.

Of course, I am a scientist. How can one not do some comparitive analysis between the 10 commandments and the Code of Hammurabi?

Do not these mythologies in themselves provide “evidence”? Maybe you have not read any of the seminal work of Joseph Campbell, who found similarities over the entire planet? All of them exist within history. To deny that they constitute “historical evidence” is absurd!

That is not what you said, Pallas. Yous said there was “no historical evidence”. Christianity itself is HUGE historical evidence, and has formed the underpinnings of the entire Western Civilization.

You refuse to accept the evidence that has been given for the resurrection. I guess if you accepted the historical facts, and the evidence, you would feel somehow morally obligated to respond to it, which you wish to avoid. 🤷

You say that you would create mankind to desire the good, but you have enough power to choose this for yourself, and yet refuse. That makes your fantasy creation quite a hypocrisy.
Love your last sentence. Think I had brought this up earlier.

But my question is:

The Code of Hammurabi is a myth?

Haven’t been following along.


There are no official polls that answer this question based on beliefs, however, the academic community that governs scholars of Christian Antiquity known as The Society of Biblical Literature meets every November and they are made up of the roughly 5,500 scholars (mostly university professors) and they have a wide range of personal beliefs including Christian (Evangelical Christian, Lutheran, Catholic, etc.), Atheists, and Agnostic. (In a move of complete disclosure, I myself identify as Agnostic). In this community of scholars, every single one of them acknowledges a belief in the existence of the historical Jesus. Out of all the Ph.D. university professors whom teach New Testament, Classical, Antiquity, or any other related field, I know of only one historian, Robert Price, who is an avid believer in the concept of mythisicsm (the belief that the historical Jesus was fiction).
Sorry PRMerger,

Didn’t see this before I wrote to robsully. It’ll be accepted much more than what I wrote.

Although, I must say, is supporting documentation necessary?

It’s like supporting with documentation that the moon exists!

Hope it’ll be helpful to robsully, but who can know?

Although, I must say, is supporting documentation necessary?
Hey Fran.

I would say that the more important it is for someone to present an argument, the more important it is to present credible evidence. But the more specific you make the evidence, the greater the opportunity it gives to poke a hole or two in said evidence.

Best to keep it non specific.
Hey Fran.

I would say that the more important it is for someone to present an argument, the more important it is to present credible evidence. But the more specific you make the evidence, the greater the opportunity it gives to poke a hole or two in said evidence.

Best to keep it non specific.
You’re too smart!

Lunch time.

No pizza!

Hate to intrude.

Well, not really.

Are you saying, robsully, that some people believe Jesus never existed???

Are they educated people?

Have they heard of Josephus?
Have they heard of Nero? Fun to die for someone who never existed.
What about Constantine? Some conspiracy that must have been! Get the emporer to declare an emporical religion based on nothing but what some guys thought they saw.
Have they heard of excavations going on all the time in Israel?
Have they heard that the house Peter lived in was found in Capernum?
Do they know that the prison in Rome where Peter was internned can be visited?
Do they believe Paul went all the way to Athens to preach at the Agora’, which can be seen right now today, just to talk about some guy he knew never existed? It was a long treck back then - no flights, trains or cars.

You could believe Jesus wasn’t the messiah
You could believe the resurrection was a hoax

But you can’t believe He never existed.

Well, you can actually. Just don’t treat people who do as if they were dumb.

Hello Fran, please intrude, the more voices the better?
Some believe, some don’t. Some offer evidence to support their beliefs, some don’t. To make an informed decision one should do so on a factual basis?
PRmerger offered some information that I do in fact find interesting. And I do appreciate it.

But if you can show me where I treated some dumb for believing in Jesus, I would appreciate that as well.
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