The Right's Assault on Kofi Annan

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It’s a shame Mr. Anan allowed The U.N to behave in such a disgraceful manner. Or do you think the oil for food scam was okay Peacemonger?
Even worse was Anan’s absolutely horrible handling of Rwanda. The ball the U.N. dropped there directly led to wholesale genocide. That the U.N. is now repeating the same mistakes in the Sudan ought to be reason enough for Anan to go quietly away and let some else take over.

– Mark L. Chance.
mlchance even better maybe The U.N should be disbanded.
mlchance even better maybe The U.N should be disbanded.
I would prefer to the see the U.N. vigorously reformed, starting with Anan’s removal, followed by the explusion of anti-democratic nations such as the People’s Republic of China, the Sudan, Saudi Arabia, et cetera. Re-admission of these nations would be allowed only after internal reform and at least two well-observed democratic elections were accomplished.

Voting within the U.N. should also be made more democratic. The system in which a single Security Council nation can thwart the entire U.N. must change. Perhaps a bicameral system with representation based both on population as well as a fixed number of reps from each country. Sort of a House and Senate, so to speak.

These goals seem consistent with at least the preamble to the U.N.'s charter.

Like that’ll ever happen.

– Mark L. Chance.
Well…I look at this in one of two ways…either he was involved, which is not hard to believe considering how nearly all of upper leadership including Kofi’s son was involved and when you think about it, it makes sense that his hands are dirty because he is never willing to help us out…or the other explanation is that he is grossly incompetent and should not have the post of Sec General of the UN because he was unable to recognize the widespread corruption that was going on in his organization…either way he is guilty of something and should not be in charge.
I don’t know if you actually read the article or not, but as it stated, there is no actual evidence that Kofi is guilty of what he is accused of. So I think based on that, a “lynching” is pretty accurate. And lets be honest here. If Kofi had supported the Bush admins war against Iraq, we would have never heard of the “oil for food” scandal.
That’s worse Du, as he doesn’t even know what the organization he leads is doing???
St. James:
That the UN is corrupt is beyond question. But so is every other large bureaucracy to some extent.

So the question arises, why is the UN being subjected to such a focused attack at this time?

They’ve apparently angered someone powerful.

Come to think of it, the UN’s relationship with the Israeli state wasn’t going so well…
Yeah right, those darned Jews again. You’d think they would have learned to keep quiet…

I think the “focused attack at this time” is simply the convergence of a number of issues–Oil for Food, the sexual harassment scandal, and the Sudan. Anan has blocked investigations, thwarted those questioning behind the scenes manipulation, refused to give subpoena power to the investigators.

Again, had Anan addressed the Sudan, let the sun shine in on the putrid Oil for Food scandal, and punished those involved with the sexual harassment instead of giving a wink and a nod, I would think better of him. As several have said, either he’s corrupt or he’s incompetent. Either of which would have gotten him booted if it were being looked at objectively. He is standing firm. The perks are WAY TOO GOOD to leave. That he sits there well fed, smug in is thousand dollar suits while his countrymen starve to death puts him beyond the Pale…oh gee one of those Jewish things again right???

Lisa N
St. James, are you one of those people who have a multitude of failures in your life and you blame them on the Jews?
St. James, are you one of those people who have a multitude of failures in your life and you blame them on the Jews?
No, but you apparently are one of those people whose discourse is focused in ad hominem.

Feel free to put the tar and feathers away and address my point with a counterpoint.
Right… it is the Joooooows fault! :banghead:
Lisa N:
Yeah right, those darned Jews again. You’d think they would have learned to keep quiet…
Lisa N:
oh gee one of those Jewish things again right???
St. James, are you one of those people who have a multitude of failures in your life and you blame them on the Jews?Just out of curiosity, is it possible for the people here to approach the possibility that the Israeli state is as capable of doing wrong as any other state?
St. James:
Just out of curiosity, is it possible for the people here to approach the possibility that people of Jewish extraction are as capable of doing wrong as anyone else?
Sure, but you seem to be inserting them where they aren’t involved. Much like the Arab press. Maybe that is your source?
Sure, but you seem to be inserting them where they aren’t involved. Much like the Arab press. Maybe that is your source?
And your source, I guess, is the establishment press which is nearly 100% zionist/Jewish owned and run…
St. James:
And your source, I guess, is the establishment press which is nearly 100% zionist/Jewish owned and run…
100%? Now where does that figure come from?
Quote:[About Sudan…I agree. Something besides talk should have been done. I would have even supported Military intervention to stop the killing of innocent African Christians. But unfortunately, the U.S. was pretty quiet as well and showed little leadership.]I can’t believe it:eek:

Again I agree. Well…almost. I do believe his lack of support for the invasion of Iraq was genuine.

That may be true, but there’s no hard evidence that he did.
gilliam said:
100%? Now where does that figure come from?

It can be clearly demonstrated that the media is run (meaning at the ceo/owner level) nearly exclusively by people of Jewish extraction. The notable exception being Rupert Murdoch who although not Jewish is a confirmed Zionist.
St. James:
It can be clearly demonstrated that the media is run (meaning at the ceo/owner level) nearly exclusively by people of Jewish extraction. The notable exception being Rupert Murdoch who although not Jewish is a confirmed Zionist.
You are an anti-semite, aren’t you?
St. James:
It can be clearly demonstrated that the media is run (meaning at the ceo/owner level) nearly exclusively by people of Jewish extraction. The notable exception being Rupert Murdoch who although not Jewish is a confirmed Zionist.
Your wong. If you want to point to anyone owning the American News MSM, you need to look at the retirement accounts of major corporations who own stock in the following companies:

GE and Microsoft own controlling interest in NBC News

Westinghouse owns controlling interest in CBS

VIACOM owns controlling interest in MTV

Disney owns controlling interest in ABC

Time-Warner owns controlling interest in CNN
St. James:
Just out of curiosity, is it possible for the people here to approach the possibility that the Israeli state is as capable of doing wrong as any other state?
Certainly. But understand that the Jews have long been a target and apparently not much has changed. There is virtually NOTHING about the Palestinians that can be supported. They do not have any right to that land either. Their tactics have started WWIV. They are the breeders of Islamofascist terrorism. So when I hear a shot directed at Jews, I always wonder about some subtle support of Arafat and his legacy.

Lisa N
Lisa N:
There is virtually NOTHING about the Palestinians that can be supported. They do not have any right to that land either. Their tactics have started WWIV. They are the breeders of Islamofascist terrorism. Lisa N
Wow, now there’s some objective insight. That deserves another look.
Lisa N:
There is virtually NOTHING about the Palestinians that can be supported…They are the breeders of Islamofascist terrorism. Lisa N
When humanity is removed from human beings the killing of those human beings becomes so much more palatable.

Witness the effects of Zionist propaganda.
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