Wow, this seems like one of those threads that could get some guys into trouble…maybe that’s why not many guys posted in it.
I am of the opinion that men are called to follow Christ, honor their wives, and provide for their family in the way that is needed (this is assuming he is married). Though I do enjoy doing many things with which guys are stereotyped (playing with tools, hooking up wires, cleaning cars…meticulously, killing bugs when my mother screams, etc.), I think that is an ever so slightly narrow view of what men are good for.
But then again, what do I know, I’m just some dumb guy…pardon me while I go powerwash my driveway and listen to Kiss and Poison while watching reruns of the SuperBowl and knocking back a six-pack (if you couldn’t tell, I’m being sarcastic

OK, back to homework…wow, I just realized that this was a major thread RESURRECTION!!!