For the record I wish them all the very best, I think that she looked beautiful and I am quite shocked at the degree of venom that as simple question has raised !
I have no reason to doubt or question her sincerity and have no wish to judge the individuals in any way, especially I know nothing about the circumstances of the previous marriage.
My point was that the design and yes the colour of the dress and especially the design of the veil and the way it was worn were a very carefully pitched to draw upon symbolism which everyone understands, rightly or wrongly (yes I know white dresses come from Queen Victoria etc, etc) as representing the purity and submission of a traditional Christian bride. If it is just a fashion statement then fine, it seems slightly strange for a girl who claims to be a feminist, ‘modern’ woman but I accept it may not be intentionally hypocritical.
Of course Americans, a Royal Wedding is of academic interest at best, but this is a common theme to many celebrity weddings - so think of it that way !