No, it’s not.
Purity isn’t a synonym for virginity.But she was married previously so her ability to marry again must be questionable and she is certainly not pure unless her previous wedding was not consummated.
Nowadays that doesn’t necessarily apply. It means whatever the bride wants it to mean. It really isn’t the business of onlookers. Either they like the dress and veil or they don’t. When one gets married, the state of their heart and soul is more important than the state of their body. At least that is what I believe. And I believe that is the way it should be.I mean it is all designed to symbolise the purity of the bride, her modesty and her submission to Christ - but she is divorced
Probably not.am I the only one who felt a little uncomfortable at a divorced woman wearing a white dress and a very demure veil ? It looked wonderful but it’s that rather hypocritical in terms of symbolism !
I understand. But I always thought that was kind of gross. You know, that people at the wedding were thinking that intently about whether or not the bride had sex. A real invasion of personal privacy even if it is only in thought space.I agree with you Susanne. I can’t speak for her, but i believe the white dress was always a sign of virginity, before becoming a wife.