The stance of the Catholic Church on medical treatment of transsexuality

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If you have read all that and are still not clear it is only from you not wishing to accept that the Church is against it, God is against it…
That’s unnecessary and unhelpful.
Since when is honesty unnecessary and unhelpful?

What I wrote is inline with Church teachings…also contained within Church teachings is a very harsh dose of reality.

Our choices have consequences.

Looking for loopholes to sear our consciousness so that leads to allowing us to entertain a sin is not helpful.

I would rather come off as rude, blunt and unhelpful rather than compromise or worse yet let someone be led astray.

Elective surgery to distort Gods temple in order to indulge in sexual sin is indeed a sin.
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Since when is honesty unnecessary and unhelpful?
You’re uncharitably attacking motives, which you cannot know.

There’s a huge difference between knowing what a teaching is and understanding the reason why it is, and there’s nothing wrong with trying to deal with the latter.
It appears that it has yet to rule on the morality of various treatment methods of gender dysphoria. I’ll contact that organisation you mentioned. Although at this point I don’t expect to get a clear answer.
The whole business of gender dysphoria and the various kinds of treatment available is (a) only a few years old and (b) changing all the time, within the medical profession itself. I see no reason to expect that the Catholic Church would already have drawn up and circulated a detailed exposition of the theological implications. Presumably at parish level, any priest who needs guidance on how to deal with a parishioner for whom this is a problem, can talk to his bishop, or someone in the diocesan office, to give him the support he needs. Possibly one day all the information will be carefully sifted and assessed, enabling a committee to draw up guidelines that can be published over the signature of the appropriate cardinal in the Vatican. But can we expect that to happen this year, or next year? Probably not, is my guess. The whole situation is still too fluid.
What do you mean when you talk about schizophrenia? Because schizophrenic people make all sorts of crazy claims that are far more absurd than transgenderism.
Schizophrenia can succesfully be treated with anti-psychotic medication, but gender dysphoria can’t.
Indulging in sexual sin is not the reason why sex reassignment surgeries are done.
Gender dysphoria involves claims that contradict objective facts about the human being.
Gender dysphoria is described as a conflict between a person’s physical gender and the gender with which that person identifies, that is to say, with that person’s mental sense of their own gender. What about that contradicts objective facts about the human being? Are you saying that transgender people don’t have such an internal conflict?
Do you think people get SRS in order to have promiscuos relations?
Do you think people get SRS in order to have promiscuos relations?
Do you think God, who is perfection, made a mistake?

We are born the way we are, and no amount of surgeries, mutilations, or hormone treatment will ever change that.
Take anyone human on earth and do a DNA test, it is male or female…period.
No amount of medical treatment will ever change that.

To say God made a mistake is the first error.
If a person, who say is a Catholic and goes to their Priest about this what do you think he would say?
He could not encourage a person to have this type a treatment because it is going against what God created us for.
I am not saying their sin is any greater than any other sin.

But if they were feeling this way, and their intent was to have the “reassignment” but then to remain chaste, does that even make any sense?

I am speaking only of professing Catholics who strive to live under the teachings of the Catholic Church.
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How did any of that answer my question: do you think people get SRS in order to have promiscuos sex?
Your argument is more like SRS is sinful in and of itself. That is something I might agree with. But you also said that people undergo the surgery in order to indulge in sexual sin, which I think is generally an incorrect statement.
Gender dysphoria involves claims that contradict objective facts about the human being.
It does not actually. The realities of the body are not denied. But the sufferer cannot reconcile them with their internal perception of self.
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Wow. So people “being uncomfortable” with their body during puberty can be defined as “gender dysphoria”? No wonder there are so many kids diagnosed with it.

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Gee, I can’t imagine any teen girls being uncomfortable with the “expected roles of their gender” either. In this age of photoshopped ads, easy accessibility of porn, shows that glorify celebs like the Kardashians, nude selfies, etc.
Again, no wonder there are so many kids being diagnosed with it. Our culture is sick, kids are uncomfortable with it, and boom - - they’re diagnosed with gender dysphoria.
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Wow. So people “being uncomfortable” with their body during puberty can be defined as “gender dysphoria”?
You would appreciate that this covers the range from mild discomfort through to a discomfort so severe that a grotesque surgery is contemplated? How much discomfort would you need to feel to consider such surgery for yourself?
Wow. So people “being uncomfortable” with their body during puberty can be defined as “gender dysphoria”?
You would appreciate that this covers the range from mild discomfort through to a discomfort so severe that a grotesque surgery is contemplated? How much discomfort would you need to feel to consider such surgery for yourself?
How much discomfort? A hell of a lot. But then, I am fortunate not to have this particular mental illness / condition / ailment.

But if a young person is uncomfortable with his or her body during puberty, would that be enough to diagnose him or her with gender dysphoria? To any degree?
But if a young person is uncomfortable with his or her body during puberty, would that be enough to diagnose him or her with gender dysphoria? To any degree?
A symptom does not make for a diagnosis.
Your argument is more like SRS is sinful in and of itself. That is something I might agree with. But you also said that people undergo the surgery in order to indulge in sexual sin, which I think is generally an incorrect statement.
We shall have to agree to disagree…

My last thought…there are real and true consequences for our actions…our sins…and doing anything that might lead one to give themselves over to it is dangerous ground.

Hell, though rarely spoken of in recent times unless to make it a caricature of what it really is…is a reality.

And if we take the next logical step, Jesus told us that it is better to enter heaven with one eye if that eye causes you to sin, ect…then we acknowledge the reality of hell.

And the reality of hell is something I would never, ever want to lead someone astray on.

Eternity…something we can barely wrap our heads around.

Again, I feel for people who suffer from these confused sexual identity issues.

I cringe when I hear the statistics of suicides by those that go down that path, which are astronomically high.

I just cannot in good conscience condone a person submitting to elective mutilation in order to (in their mind) align themselves with their vision of their own sexuality, that is other than how God created them.

God does not make mistakes, but He does give us the freedom to do so.
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But if a young person is uncomfortable with his or her body during puberty, would that be enough to diagnose him or her with gender dysphoria? To any degree?
A symptom does not make for a diagnosis.
Maybe one symptom doesn’t make for a diagnosis, but a collection of symptoms might.
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