The stance of the Catholic Church on medical treatment of transsexuality

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Gender dysphoria involves claims that contradict objective facts about the human being.
Gender dysphoria is described as a conflict between a person’s physical gender and the gender with which that person identifies, that is to say, with that person’s mental sense of their own gender. What about that contradicts objective facts about the human being? Are you saying that transgender people don’t have such an internal conflict?
No, I’m not.
If that’s all it is, then altering the objective realities of one’s body wouldn’t be necessary.
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Can we go on a tangent briefly to talk about the “outdated” non-PC view of transgender?
Was the thinking that, as people who were presenting themselves as the “other” gender, was some kind of sexual turn-on for the transgender, akin to exposing oneself? That it is an aggression, an abuse against the person viewing and having to interact with the transgender person? That having to interact with the transgender person and pretend everything was “normal” was itself a form of degradation?
Probably going to get banned for this!
I’m saying it’s the outdated view.

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Gender dysphoria involves claims that contradict objective facts about the human being.
It does not actually. The realities of the body are not denied. But the sufferer cannot reconcile them with their internal perception of self.
If that were the stopping point, you would be correct. But it’s not.
That’s just the beginning of all that must be considered in making a diagnosis. Sounds rather vague, doesn’t it?
I wouldn’t call it vague at all.
In caring for patients with schizophrenia, it’s pretty clear that something very wrong is going on with the person, that their thinking, speech and behaviors are distressing and outside the norm.
And there is a process for differentiating the symptoms into a diagnosis distinct from say, the manic phase of bipolar. or psychosis .

But the point is, the patient isn’t left to flounder and decide their own diagnosis, then head to a clinic to buy the medications they’ve decided they need.

Especially as a teenager.
Gender dysphoria is described as a conflict between a person’s physical gender and the gender with which that person identifies, that is to say, with that person’s mental sense of their own gender. What about that contradicts objective facts about the human being? Are you saying that transgender people don’t have such an internal conflict?
No, I’m not.
If that’s all it is, then altering the objective realities of one’s body wouldn’t be necessary.
I can’t say what is “necessary”. The horrendous choice to alter the body is taken because it would seem to be the only option to reduce the internal conflict (dissonance). Could the patient have struggled on? I don’t know. Are they escaping a misery or embracing a new possibility (as they see it), I don’t know.
But the point is, the patient isn’t left to flounder and decide their own diagnosis, then head to a clinic to buy the medications they’ve decided they need.

Especially as a teenager.
From a medical standpoint, Transgender people don’t get to buy prescription medications at the clinic based on a self diagnosis. I would assume that a regular doctor or psychiatrist would still have to do the prescribing based on their own diagnosis (which might agree with what the patient believes about themselves).
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You would think so, wouldn’t you?

Transgender Services | Planned Parenthood Great Northwest, Hawaiʻi, Alaska, Indiana, Kentucky

Note what they say here: << You don’t need to participate in therapy or provide information from a mental health provider to receive hormone therapy.>>

They’re not even pretending to be health care.

People need to know what’s going on.
Regular primary care physicians can prescribe antidepressants and other pychotropic medications. You don’t have to go to a “mental health provider” or go to therapy to be diagnosed with depression and be given a prescription for an antidepressant.
So called Informed consent-clinics are a huge problem. They don’t offer any therapy or take any meassures to make sure that the patient’s discomfort indeed comes from gender dysphoria rather than any other mental illness. I don’t see this happening with any other medical condition, whether psychiatric or not.
The first time a person experience a depression medication ought to be provided alongside with therapy. I know that doesn’t always happen, though.

But the big difference is that anti-depressants are reversible, while hormon therapy is not. Psychiatric treatment with possible irreversible side effects, like electroconvulsive therapy, is only gvien after examination by a specialist in psychiatry and usually during in-patient treatment.
Please don’t deflect from this PROOF of how Planned Parenthood is destroying the bodies of teenagers.
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