The term "Herd immunity" only refers to those who live. Please stop using it?

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Thank you all for your responses.

I have a few areas of concern. One is that the numbers can only reflect those who are known to be exposed. I expect that those who know they are vulnerable are probably remaining at home. If they are lured out into the open, or if the disease is brought into their home, those numbers will increase.

But they aren’t numbers. Every person is created in the image of God. Every death almost is like the loss of nations. (Trivia: God said that Abel’s “bloods”, plural cried out, as if all who will never be born from Abel cried out.)

They also aren’t numbers if it’s someone we know.

However, healthy people also die of this disease. I’ve heard critics try to massage those deaths away, insisting that the person must have some underlying illness. I would disagree. Sometimes we are simply unlucky.

The issue of “herd immunity” keeps coming back to the perception, with which I disagree, that COVID-19 can be diluted if spread among enough people. I would argue that our population would be shrunk if the disease kills enough people. Those who survive are as immune as anyone can be. Too bad for those who fell by the wayside. But I think we have a moral responsibility to prevent those deaths by the wayside.

Let me put it another way. If I were being snarky or unkind, I could cite the reductio ad absurdum logic fallacy. (That is, to mention the most trivial and silly outcome, then to elevate it to great importance, then to demolish it through logical argument.) By reductio ad absurdum, “COVID parties are commendable because they promote herd immunity.” Well, you see the problem.

As for the quoted Bible verses, I respect what you are trying to do. And if the thread were about comfort in our fears or doubts, I probably would quote the same verses.

But my objections to “herd immunity” are not based on fears, doubts, or the need to address them. I am saying that the term misleads, therefore may do harm.

When our Lord was tempted in the wilderness, the Devil also quoted Psalms 91:11-12. Jesus replied (Matthew 4:7, Luke 4:12), “Thou shalt not tempt the Lord thy God” (Deut. 6:16, Isaiah 7:12, I Corinthians 10:9, etc.).

As I said, I would have quoted Psalms 91, etc. in other contexts. They are high and wonderful words of comfort.

But there are times when humanity finds itself in a situation, makes it worse, and asks God to clean up the mess. Prosperity Gospel in particular is a teaching in which both Bible verses and world events make the most sense when the suffering only happens to someone else.

Or, again, if I were being unkind, a way of saying, “if that person had not sinned, they would not have died. God promised to protect them, right?” Which is why an excellent verse may not be a comforting fit for that moment in time.

It may sound off-topic, but it isn’t really. Maybe the news coverage is different in different places. But I heard a politician saying that if the old folks really loved their young folks, they would be willing to risk their lives to get the economy open sooner. Expose the herd! Then “we” can get on with our lives (the ones who live, that is).
Do you also believe we should not take medically advised precautions to try to diminish those numbers of people who are affected by the virus? I hope not.
First time I’ve heard the term. How is it defined?

I’m no scientist, so I don’t know what to say when survivors report lingering injuries like a Chronic-Fatigue-Syndrome type of post-recovery, or “COVID lungs” that look as mutilated as smoker lungs. I’ve heard people shrug it off: “Oh, smoker lungs can regenerate, so I’m sure these will too.” I don’t have an answer to that. Or MSIS-PEDS kiddie version, how “the risk is so low.” I don’t have an answer to that either.

All I know is a belief that to some extent we are all our brother’s keeper.

I have a healthy respect for this disease, but I might not fear it enough. As a blood donor, I try to live a squeaky-clean life.

Which means if I do catch it, I may blame myself in a Scrupulous way.

Unless I can point to a person who clearly gave it to me.

I really don’t like those options.

I do know that the whole developing world is working on vaccines and cures. If we can exercise the self-discipline to buy them just a little more time, it might make the difference.

(BTW, I grew up on doomsday teachings. As awful as this is, it wouldn’t make the End-Times checklist I grew up with, because we can make a difference. If it were the End of the World, there’d be no doubt. Sun exploding, moon bleeding, people getting the pestilence on the Space Station where they couldn’t possibly have gotten any exposure so it must be a Smiting. That sort of thing.)
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The term “Herd Immunity,” was used in reference to Sweden’s policy of not shutting down during the pandemic. The idea was to allow the populace to grow immunity toward COVID-19 with the idea that it wouldn’t stop the disease, but it would be less lethal for the majority. The understanding is that with the common flu, although people do get it and die, most people manage to get through it, because we have developed immune systems that better handle it.

Media reports say that Sweden’s “Herd Immunity,” was backfiring as their infection rates were rising as high and some say higher, as neighboring nations that did shut down.

Swedish authorities said they knew this would happen at first, but the next waves of the virus, the nation will see reductions. They know that it will never be zero, but less lethal than it is now. Only time will tell if they were right or not.
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I think at risk people should take appropriate measures to protect themselves. I do not believe the onus is on the rest of society.
I think at risk people should take appropriate measures to protect themselves. I do not believe the onus is on the rest of society.
I can go along with this, as long as immunocompromised people are not made to feel like pariahs who must hide in their homes. But definitely a person who is immunocompromised should take all the precautions that they are aware of.
We have herd immunity for smallpox AFTER OVER 200 YEARS of vaccinations! Smallpox was the first vaccine in history (from vaccinia, cowpox, the relatively harmless virus that was used to make that vaccine.) And even then it took almost ten generations to eradicate it. My gramps caught smallpox as a lad, around 1920.

We defeated smallpox because it had no hosts outside human life. COVID19 is an animal virus that jumped to human life, so it won’t be as easy.

We have herd immunity for smallpox
Only if you’ve been vaccinated for it! Do you have the scar?
Because it’s no longer in the wild, we no longer vaccinate for it! My children in their 40’s were never vaccinated nor were my grandchildren. There is no longer any herd immunity as it’s not needed…unless the frozen samples locked away in a few labs escape…in that case, it would run rampant again until we updated vaccinations. But, we were able to eliminate it because it lives in humans only and we achieved herd immunity in the past to cause it to die out.

If smallpox reared it’s head again, every country would be quickly scrambling to remake the vaccine…and hopefully, it wouldn’t take as long to eradicate it the second time. Unless you are older, like me, you have no immunity to it!
Not any more immoral than the same position in regards to any communicable disease.
No I don’t want anyone to be made pariahs. My father is extremely high risk, we’re taking every precaution we can while still giving him social interaction so he isn’t just isolated. There’s a risk calculation that every individual and family needs to make in regards to their own circumstances. What I oppose is forcing worst case scenario on the entire country without regard for variance in susceptibility.
Not any more immoral than the same position in regards to any communicable disease.
That’s true. It is also immoral to be cavalier about spreading herpes, measles, and the flu. Especially with covid-19, there is no effective way of protecting people other than isolating them. In Catholic moral theology it is referred to as the Common Good. It is immoral to ignore it.
If here immunity is possible with covid, It would be possible to achieve it with minimal deaths if any at risk people stayed home and quarantined completely while young and not at risk people went about in the world and got covid. While some could die it would be much fewer and evidence suggests that less exposure can help you develop antibodies without getting too sick
No one who is knowingly infected should be cavalier, true. But there’s no guilt for people who aren’t infected to go about their lives as normal.
There are two ways to achieve herd immunity. One is through vaccination. The other is through a large fraction of the population contracting the disease and recovering. One way minimizes the deaths. The other way does not.
Herpes, the measles, and the flu are much different than covid right now. None of those are pandemics right now and none of those are making people isolate themselves for months on end. The common good encompasses many factors including the economy, and social structure, and mental health, not just physical health. If you sacrifice all those in the name of physical health… for months or years without a known way out… is that really what is best for the common good? I wouldn’t think so. If people want to protect themselves they can choose to stay home, but I think people are neglecting the common good when they make everyone stay home for a long time
A vaccine would be wonderful. But we don’t know if one that is effective will ever come out and we can’t just shut the world down forever hoping one comes out. It is also estimated, if herd immunity is possible, based on places like New York and Italy and Spain that the rate of infection may actually need to be much lower than the 60-70 percent to achieve herd immunity- like only 40 percent. Obviously there is only so much data and we don’t know for sure
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