Existence is a concept, which describes the very basics of everything that “exists”. The tautology cannot be avoided. There is no “concrete existence”. There is no object that is “existence”.
sure there is, existence itself is an object. nothing can be without existence. but existence requires nothing to be. water exists whether there be fish in it or not, but the fish cannot exist without the water, so to speak. water, in a similar way to existence is an object transcendent of the fish, could a fish claim that water is just a concept? obviously not.
“Accounts for” or “explains itself” are just euphemisms, and unfortunate ones at that. We, thinking beings attempt to find reasons for all sorts of things. We try to explain (reduce to something more fundamental) the phenomena we encounter. “Things” do not “account” for anything. “Things” do not “explain” anything.
if your going to deny the PSR, then your denying the scientific method as well, as the ability to have any knowledge at all. if things happen for no reason than all our previous experience is for naught, no?
Changing goalposts? This has nothing to do with allegedly needing a “prime mover”. **The existence of STEM is not subject to negotiations, it is a given. **The discussion at hand revolves around the “necessity” of an “external mover”, nothing else. Movement is an integral part of STEM, which cannot be separated from it. To argue for the contrary would be something like arguing for some “non-material walking”, which is needed to be imposed “externally” just to move our feet.
im only responding to things youve said that imply the necessity of STEM. though your claim here that movement cannot be seperated from STEM is as incongruous a the argument that existence isnt an object. to use the same fish and water analogy, even if there are no fish, the water can still move, no? so how then is movement integral to STEM? it would seem that STEM doesnt need to be for there to be motion, and as it cant move itself, any more than it can cause its own exstence. shouldnt we question where its movement originated?
why do you? what is so strange about that? surely you dont think scientific theories of pre-BB environments are strange. physicists themselves dont stop with STEM as we observe it to be here, why do you? i know that it is simply speculation, but assuredly the PSR drives on theoretical physics, why should you then be satisfied soely at STEM?
First, you never established that STEM is deficient.
easily done, it might not have been. STEM has no necessity that i cannot assign to some non-STEM universe.
Movement (as singled out by the Thomistic argument) is incorrectly separated as something “externally imposed”. Up until you can do that, the specifics of this hypothetical “mover” is not on the table.
i think ive done a decent job so far of showing both why movement is not contained solely to STEM, and why STEM itself is defiecient. in the response immediately above. it might not have been.
And mentally snapping its imaginary fingers to bring forth something out of nothing is the quintessential “magic” - which violates the principle of conservaton of matter-energy-momentum.
suppose we lived in a different universe and were constructed according to some other set of rules, would not the conservation of mass and energy seem like magic? as someone once said, any sufficiently advanced technology would seem like magic. further, your attempting to apply rules that we only know exist within STEM, to an entity upon which STEM is contingent. one who could author such rules, seems completely capable of bypassing them. after all if i create a universe in my mind with a certain set of laws, i could just as easily, break them, couldnt i?
On the ground that this “perfection” is undefined and cannot be meaningfully defined.
we have defined it for you several times now, the simplest metaphysical definition is to be complete, to not lack. so i assume you mean that it is not defined to a level you find suitable. what then would be your criteria for a meaningful definition?
And being “maximally mild” is just the privation of “maximally ferocious”? To be “maximally bald” is the privation of being “maximally hairy”?To be “maximally sick” is just the privation of being “maximally healthy”. Ot is it the opposite? To be “maximally healthy” is just the absence of “maximally sick”? One can argue both ways, and neither one is sensible. Come on, get serious.
can one be perfectly mild? yes. can one be perfectly ferocious? yes. one can see both in every person. can one be perfectly bald and perfectly hairy? no. one excludes the other. can one be perfectly healthy? yes, can one be perfectly sick? no, thats called being dead. again mutually exclusive qualities. your mixing metaphors here. some of tyour examples have compatible traits, some are mutually exclusive. one cannot argue it both ways.