Physical objects exist in space and time, and they are composed of matter-energy (which are interchangeable). It is pretty clear what we are talking about. These objects have properties, which may or may not be present in any one object. Objects can be categorized into arbitrary sets, based upon some attributes.
This is exactly what Aristotle said, except the term was “substance” instead of “physical object” and “accident” instead of “property.” So, I agree with you.
We can create (for example) the set of “round” objects, and the members can be “balls made out of rubber”, “balls made of clay”, planets or stars, all of which have an approximately “round shape”. We can also define some other categories, like “distance”, “before”, “after”, “in front of”, “behind”, etc… which descirbe the relation between objects. One important feature or attribute of this existence is the possibility to interact with other physical objects.
In terms of Aristotle’s Ten Categories, roundness would fall under
quality. “Distance” and “in front of” and “behind” would fall under
relation and
place. “Before” and “after” would fall under
relation and
time. “Interaction” would fall under
action and
passion. I think we’re on board here.
Are there other objects? Some philosophers argue that there are “abstract objects”, which do not exist as physical objects. They bring up examples as numbers, ideas, concepts. I find the term “object” unnecessary and confusing - and I prefer the term “concept”. The term “object” insinuates “objective” existence, apart from our perception. These philosophers argue that the “abstract objects” are not our “inventions”, rather they exist independetly from us, and they are merely “discovered”. Among the many problems that this concept creates, the foremost one is “existence”. What does it mean that “beauty” or “justice” or “distance” exists?
I agree that abstract objects/concepts are not physical.
You said, however, that many problems arise when one argues that abstract objects/concepts are not our inventions but rather exist independently from us. I think you are right … but there’s something else that needs to be said. Obviously, a concept or abstraction necessarily must exist in the mind and cannot exist in reality. However, I would say that even though the mind produces concepts, it does so by replicating the
form of the object that it sees. The form of the object in reality must be the same form that ends up in the mind, otherwise, the mind by definition does not understand it (because the concept of the thing would not match the thing itself). Thus, when we perceive something, we look at the physical form of the thing, and then the mind creates a copy of that form in the intellect, but making it an abstract form and not a physical form. The mind does then invent concepts, but the concept is merely the abstract version of the form of the thing that it perceives.
Now, you seem to say that concepts can only be about non-substances (or, non-physical objects, as you say). But this, I think, is not true because you can have the concept of a horse, a person, a ball, a star, a rock, etc. You can understand these things abstractly, and thus concepts can be about substances.
I’m somewhat unclear whether you believe accidents (or, properties, as you say) are concepts or not. Or, whether they exist in reality and can be conceived of, or they are merely abstractions without existence in reality. This is because you said at one point that distance was a property (and you also said that a property may or may not be present in an object), but then later on you seem to say that “distance” just has conceptual existence, not physical existence. And yet, you said properties may be present in objects … but present just conceptually but not really? Thus, a round ball is merely round conceptually but, really, the ball is not round (same goes for “before” and “after” and “in front of” etc).
I would think though, when you say that properties are present in objects, you mean they are actually present there in real way, independent of the mind.
I would say this, though, when accidents (properties) are spoken of as nouns, not as adjectives, adverbs, or verbs, then I would say they do have a kind of heightened abstract nature and greater detachment from reality (though not completely detached). Accidents, as said before, need to exist in a substance (a physical object) … they can’t exist by themselves. That is why they are usually in non-noun forms when spoken of. However, when spoken of as a noun, we consider the accident apart from any particular substance. For example, the word “roundness.” Here, the form of “round” is not tied to any particular substance but considered by itself. Accidents in this consideration can only exist
like that (by itself) in the mind and not in actual reality. However, accidents in non-noun consideration (the better term is “Attributive” rather than “Substantive” form) can be said to exist in reality no problem. And, in a sense, I think it’s fair to say that distance (an accident mentioned in substantive form) can exist in reality as long as it is in/pertain to substances and not by itself in reality.
I would say then that “distance” exists in reality. For what is distance except the amount of space between two things … would you say that space doesn’t actually exist? Is space just a concept too? Space is both a concept and an actually existing real thing. Same thing with the concept of “amount” … I think this (more generally called Quantity) exists in reality. Things can vary in size in a real way, and this is only accomplished if quantity is also real. Otherwise, what is the real reason why they would vary in size?
I would also say that Justice is real (but this is a long and complicated discussion). Justice, though not a substance, would be an accident, perhaps of quality because it is a virtue, and virtues fall under quality (if I’m not mistaken). If not, justice could never really be done. But maybe some people are okay with that.
As for “beauty” this is a controversial one. Is beauty objective? I think it has an objective and subjective element … but I’m not even going to go there … such discussion always ends in bloodshed (which can be a good thing … but not now).
I’m going to stop there for now, but there is a couple more things to be said. Hope that this has been relatively intelligible.