I doubt if there will be an interaction with this statement, but here goes. Intellectually, eastern philosophy does not reject the western concepts of causality because it defines it illogical. It does not include within itself the concept of a First Cause because their logic followed the course that there is no ‘causation’ involved, but rather there is an ‘is’. All existence simply is, and we are part of it. The lack of a ‘first mover’ etc., is not a logical fault but a natural philosophy of its own. While I think this thread is interesting following the twists and turns of the logic, ultimately, is there really a ‘first mover’? To the western mind it is vital we establish a list of causalities because, like space, we observe causalities in this reality, and feel it is necessary to include that concept in our ontological arguments. I think we are missing the boat completely by addressing our existence, creating arguments for God, etc, in terms of what we observe in this reality. Again, just because we observe something does not mean our observation is correct.Now, in STEM, we can do away with time in two ways. First, immobilize all mobile beings. No mobile beings, no time. Second, destroy all clocks. Period.
IYO, are there only ‘two way’ to do away with time? Addressing the first; If I visualize a Being existing and experiencing all time, past, present, and future there are among the many attributes the attribute of perfect stillness. Yet, all time would still be present. The second; this sounds like an odd version of the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle, essentially stating that if an effect is unobserved, it does not exist. Again, back to the ‘if a bear does do-do in the woods, and nothing is there to smell it will it still stink’ question. I think it will.
In STEM, we can do away with space. Simply move all mobile beings into contiguity. (Obviously, this may not be as “simple” as I postulated, but, it is a possible universe.) Second, reduce the multiplicity to a singularity. Space is relative. It is the relationship between two or more objects.
I would argue (along with followers of Leibniz, Spinoza, Pantheists in general such as Taoists, and many more, not trying to make ad populum, or ad authoritarian arguments, just to pinch any buds that suggest my concepts are absurd because they have no logical basis) that we do live in an existence of contiguity, and the ‘multiplicity’ we experience are manifestations within the contiguous ‘singularity’. This would make space not ‘relative’ but a phenomenological term people use to describe a perceived ‘distance’ or ‘space’ between objects or beings. My understanding of Spock’s use of ‘space’ within his STEM is a little different, I do not deny there is a ‘space’ just that ‘space’ as we know it is in reality a function of T, E, and M. In fact, the essence of the universe could be stated to be an ‘ether’ of which we perceive STEM in this dimension.
Matter could be done away with by making energy non-transformable. And, of course, there would be no such thing as “energy” - except in the form of perpetual potential energy - if we did away with ALL mobile being.
Hmmm, while I understand and appreciate the value of the subjective ‘what if’ question in philosophy, stating an impossibility (such as doing away with the transmutable properties of energy and matter) as an actual reality (which in the multi-verse would exist) is faulty appeal to reason. One could absurdly state, “yeah well, if I flip my light switch and make the Sun go out, what then? We would all die, that’s what!” I am inferring your reasoning to be one of denying a definition and then claiming the definitive false.
The fact that mobile being exists, and, the fact that there is space between the mobile beings of this universe is more of a “why” of motion than the mere description of kinetic energy, atoms, electrons, bosons, muons, etc., which are the “how” of motion at the quantum level.
As previously stated, ‘space’ does not exist, it is a construct we use in this existence to describe the separate qualities we observe between beings and objects. Because we ‘observe’ something (such as space) does not mean our interpretation of what we observe is correct.
However, we still have the reality of a Prime Mover.
In this thread I see a mixing of Prime Mover, First Cause and Necessary Cause, back and forth, from argument to argument. We must take care not to confuse these terms (and definitions) with each other, or, we will all be in a blurr of semantics without the possibility of any Truth coming forth.
Primary Motion (the Prime Mover) is, nonetheless, a different argument from the other two. It derives from the real relationship between the movers in the series which makes them simultaneous movers. First Cause is different from the other two in that it speaks to an external Efficiency that if essentially subordinated cannot regress infinitely. And, thirdly, Necessary cause, is a matter of real necessity vs. merely contingency in the real world of mobile beings. When we investigate any and all mobile being, we discover that there is nothing that exists - except God - in and of itself. All mobile being is dependent upon something else for not only its ability to interact with other mobile beings, but also, its existence, and this cannot regress infinitely.