Did you create this petition or are you just passing it on. I’d be interested in signing it, although I think there are some mis-representations in this petition as well. I wouldn’t say that the boys in the original video looked “enamored”. Some of them looked like they were having fun and even enjoying the music. Some of them looked understandably confused. A couple were obviously mocking the activist, which is now far more understandable given the context. It was presumed that they were mocking his music or culture, when it’s probably more likely that they were mocking his bizarre and aggressive behavior. Then there is “tomahawk kid”, who could probably still use a stern talking to regarding how to express disdain for a person’s behavior without making gestures that are offensive to their race or culture. The thing that disturbs me the most is that the kid in the fore-ground of the video seems to be the one who caught the most flack in this incident and he seems to be the one who used the most restraint of all. I do home the school and diocese issue a new statement very soon. Even some of the news sources have backtracked somewhat on this story.