The Universal Church

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How does that address the Teaching that the Pope is protected from Teaching error?
Because the Pope is just like Paul and just like everyone else. The Pope sees in a mirror dimly. The Pope knows in part.
Who has claimed to know everything? However, although you seem to put St. Paul above Christ, it is Christ whom we follow.

Matthew 5:48Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect.

And, he follows Christ.

1 Corinthians 11:1Be ye followers of me, even as I also am of Christ.
I’m not putting Paul above anyone. I’m just using his example of not fully understanding the things of God.
The Holy Spirit did so. But, upon whose bidding? Would they have died if they had not lied to St. Peter?
We don’t know the mind of God, we can only speculate. For whatever reason, God decided that they needed to die. God also chose to do what he did as an object lesson to the church and had it recorded in scripture for us all to have a record of what happened. At any rate, it supports what I said about God taking people out instead of the church. Peter never put them on trial or ordered their death or supported a government who did.
Because the Pope is just like Paul and just like everyone else. The Pope sees in a mirror dimly. The Pope knows in part.
So, you don’t believe that the Pauline epistles are inerrant? I can’t write a single page without committing an error. If St. Paul is just like me, he’s error prone and could not have written the Epistles.

But, if the Holy Spirit can protect St. Paul and the other Scripture writers from error, why can’t the Holy Spirit protect the Popes from Teaching error?
I’m not putting Paul above anyone. I’m just using his example of not fully understanding the things of God.
That’s why the Holy Spirit is guiding the Catholic Church into ALL truth.
We don’t know the mind of God, we can only speculate.
That’s not true. In fact, if that is a Protestant doctrine, it shows a complete lack of faith. We do know the mind of God, it has been revealed that God is a loving and merciful God.
For whatever reason, God decided that they needed to die.
This is revealed:

Acts 5:3 But Peter said, Ananias, why hath Satan filled thine heart to lie to the Holy Ghost, and to keep back part of the price of the land?

4 Whiles it remained, was it not thine own? and after it was sold, was it not in thine own power? why hast thou conceived this thing in thine heart? thou hast not lied unto men, but unto God.

When Ananias lied to St. Peter (i.e. men), he lied to God, whom St. Peter represents.
God also chose to do what he did as an object lesson to the church and had it recorded in scripture for us all to have a record of what happened.
True. But it only reinforced the authority which Jesus Christ gave to the Church.
At any rate, it supports what I said about God taking people out instead of the church.
Not sure how you twist this to support anything you’ve previously said. It is a clear incident depicting the words which Jesus conveyed to St. Peter:

Matthew 16:19And I will give unto thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.
Peter never put them on trial or ordered their death or supported a government who did.
The NT does not purport to show everything which St. Peter did. But it is clear from the NT that the Church regularly anathematized and expelled those who did not obey her commands. As per Jesus instruction:

Matthew 18:17 And if he shall neglect to hear them, tell it unto the church: but if he neglect to hear the church, let him be unto thee as an heathen man and a publican.

You may not like it, but Jesus Christ gave His Church that authority. You want to be a member of a church which has no real authority over you. Obviously, that gives you all the authority to believe and do what you want. But that is not the Church that Jesus Christ established. Nor was it His will that such a situation should ever exist:

John 17:21 That they all may be one;
So, you don’t believe that the Pauline epistles are inerrant? I can’t write a single page without committing an error. If St. Paul is just like me, he’s error prone and could not have written the Epistles.

But, if the Holy Spirit can protect St. Paul and the other Scripture writers from error, why can’t the Holy Spirit protect the Popes from Teaching error?
I believe that Paul wrote inerrant what God revealed to Him. I believe what Paul was saying is that God hasn’t revealed everything there is to know to him and the other apostles but that it will all be revealed when we are in the presence of God face to face.
That’s not true. In fact, if that is a Protestant doctrine, it shows a complete lack of faith. We do know the mind of God, it has been revealed that God is a loving and merciful God.
Oh, the depth of the riches and wisdom and knowledge of God! How unsearchable are his judgments and how inscrutable his ways! Romans 11:33

We know what God has revealed to us but we do not know all there is to know. God is so big and beautiful and wondrous our feeble human minds can not fully comprehend Him and His ways.
The NT does not purport to show everything which St. Peter did. But it is clear from the NT that the Church regularly anathematized and expelled those who did not obey her commands. As per Jesus instruction:
No doubt, but those people were never put to death by the church. God killed Ananias and Sapphira. Not Peter and not the church. If God decides someones sin warrants death then that is His call to make. Not the church. If the secular governments are unjustly putting people to death then the church should do everything possible to stop it from happening.
You may not like it, but Jesus Christ gave His Church that authority.
And His church is the Ekklesia (those called out by God, or the assembly of God’s people) which is a Spiritual kingdom and not of this world. That is what Ekklesia means, not the later definition given it by the church in the middle ages.
I believe that Paul wrote inerrant what God revealed to Him. I believe what Paul was saying is that God hasn’t revealed everything there is to know to him and the other apostles but that it will all be revealed when we are in the presence of God face to face.
The problem with that idea is that the process of deeper understanding and guidance into all truth is demonstrated in Christian history. For example, the Scriptures reveal the existence of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. But it is the Church which revealed the entire truth in that mystery when combatting those heresies which claimed that the Father is God but the Son is not and other such errors. It is the Church, which guided by the Holy Spirit, defined the Doctrine of the Holy Trinity. You will not find that Doctrine defined in Scripture.
Oh, the depth of the riches and wisdom and knowledge of God! How unsearchable are his judgments and how inscrutable his ways! Romans 11:33

We know what God has revealed to us but we do not know all there is to know.
That is why the Holy Spirit is leading us into all truth.
God is so big and beautiful and wondrous our feeble human minds can not fully comprehend Him and His ways.
And the Holy Spirit continues to guide is into all truth.
No doubt, but those people were never put to death by the church. God killed Ananias and Sapphira. Not Peter and not the church.
Nor in history, will you ever find the Church putting anyone to death.
If God decides someones sin warrants death then that is His call to make. Not the church.
On the contrary, it is evidently clear, from the Old Testament, that God has given mankind, not just the Church, the right to decide if someone should die.

Romans 13:4For he is the minister of God to thee for good. But if thou do that which is evil, be afraid; for he beareth not the sword in vain: for he is the minister of God, a revenger to execute wrath upon him that doeth evil.
If the secular governments are unjustly putting people to death then the church should do everything possible to stop it from happening.
And it does. But heresy has been punished by death by the authority of God, from the time of Moses.

Deuteronomy 13:5And that prophet, or that dreamer of dreams, shall be put to death; because he hath spoken to turn you away from the Lord your God,
And His church is the Ekklesia (those called out by God, or the assembly of God’s people) which is a Spiritual kingdom and not of this world. That is what Ekklesia means, not the later definition given it by the church in the middle ages.
That is what Ekklesia also means. When Jesus said, “take him to the Church”, He didn’t say, “get in your space ship and go to the other world.” He fully expected you to take him to the Magisterium, the authorities He had appointed within the Church and in the future, those who had taken their place.
You may not like it, but Jesus Christ gave His Church that authority.
We would like any authority that is biblical, that is Christ like. Excommunication is biblical. Maybe even punishment, chastisement for sin that may affect health of believing community. But, the bible draws the line when enforcing unity even in minor doctrines (when to fast, what to eat, when to honor Easter, exact understanding of communion or baptism…in short having different convictions outside of Christology).
You want to be a member of a church which has no real authority over you
Yes, that would be an extreme for some, but none here in these discussions want that. Some cite the church as thru office of pope, the vicar of Christ, can demand total subservience, total authority from every creature, as if we bring in the kingdom, evey knee bowing, before His coming, by such force.
John 17:21 That they all may be one;
Does the end justify the means?

I do not see any diminishing of His truth marching on with resurgence of seperation of church and state, as was once in the beginning of the church.
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So what a council or a pope decrees is not exactly as if God himself spoke it…to believe otherwise is to add to scripture and perhaps wrongly justify a decree that is meant to be more a step of faith.
The RCC did add to scripture --it’s called the New Testament 🙂

In all seriousness… I guess the early church ‘added’ to scripture in ACTS 15 then, since there was no scriptural precedent on circumcision. The scripture reviewed/quoted in that council had nothing to do with that particular practice.

That counsel very clearly spoke for God, imo.
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And His church is the Ekklesia (those called out by God, or the assembly of God’s people) which is a Spiritual kingdom and not of this world. That is what Ekklesia means, not the later definition given it by the church in the middle ages.
In Matt 18 Jesus says take it to THE church…not a Church, THE Church.

There has to be some single body, somewhere, like this that calls councils like in ACTS 15 and makes authoritative and binding decisions upon Christendom.
See the parable of the weeds in the wheat.
The discussion I was responding to was not centered on the people within or that comprise the Church but rather the development and assumption of bad doctrine within the organization. Keeping that in mind, I was interested in the statement that “Jesus never promised a sinless Church” which said in that context would indicate that the Church has not remained sinless. In which ways would you identify that the Catholic Church has sinned?
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Someone had to make that decision
Correct, fallible men determining what is infallible scripture…of course guided by an infallible Holy Ghost.
Seems you just put massive doubt then, that scripture could be infallible?


If fallible men to you, cant determine what is and what isn’t infallible scripture, how then can fallible men write infallible scripture?

Who determines when the HS is there or not?
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Seems you just put massive doubt then, that scripture could be infallible?
I have not put massive doubt on infallibility of scripture. That could only be possible if one believed the church/ council to be as unconditionally infallible, an equal to, God breathed written Word .
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If fallible men to you, cant determine what is and what isn’t infallible scripture,
Never said that. Not black and white, either or.

I believe God inspires men to put down His word infallibly, meeting the conditions by grace.

I believe we receieve , understand , protect, copy, translate His Word as we yield by grace to same God for such but the yielding is not unconditionally infallible as the once done original writing.

Being fallible does not mean we can not be inspired correctly on the matter.
In all seriousness… I guess the early church ‘added’ to scripture in ACTS 15 then, since there was no scriptural precedent on circumcision. The scripture reviewed/quoted in that council had nothing to do with that particular practice.
Yes and no. The scripture had a lot to do with the Judaizing problem…James did not pick it out of thin air…the Jews had always debated wether to circumcise gentiles or not, for centuries…indeed God had already spoken to Peter and Paul on the unnecessity of circumcision of Gentiles…the scriptures speaks of a time when Gentiles will be clean or partakers of God’s promises…it does not say Gentiles will become Jews ( with its law or circumcision)… it says Gentiles and Jews will be partakers, but as Peter rightly said, thru Christ…anyways all of Acts is added scripture, but as scripture for us.

Indeed, God can speak thru a prophet, a pope , a council, etc., just would not say it is unconditionally infallible as some would say. Just like in OT, a “word” had to be time tested for validity and not all prophets had their words put in the bible .
See the parable of the weeds in the wheat.
The discussion I was responding to was not centered on the people within or that comprise the Church but rather the development and assumption of bad doctrine within the organization. Keeping that in mind, I was interested in the statement that “Jesus never promised a sinless Church” which said in that context would indicate that the Church has not remained sinless. In which ways would you identify that the Catholic Church has sinned?
My answer stands.
It’s a living Church so God will continue to speak throughout the ages.

Just a tad of bad leaven can leaven the whole batch of dough (Gal 5:9)

As an example, it starts with the CofE in the 1930’s okaying BC is some cases. Now we have arrived to a point where much of the western Christianity accepts contraception in any form, at anytime… female ordination, gay marriage and whatever other issue happens to come up ultimately gets decided by a democratic vote.

So I would contend that you need a united body, somewhere, that holds authoritative councils and tells us x,y,z are wrong, and here’s why they are wrong…and the Church has spoken, so the debate is over because she holds the keys of the master. If i want to take my matter to the Church like in Matt 18 to get a binding decision, I would be rather confused by all the different answers out there.
It’s a living Church so God will continue to speak throughout the ages.
Amen…I am not as institutional bent on the particular conduit…that is we sometimes appoint, ordain, and sometimes for sure God picks and we oblige, such as Saul of Tarsus.
If i want to take my matter to the Church like in Matt 18 to get a binding decision, I would be rather confused by all the different answers out there.
Understand …lotta leaven out there…hard to see it in our own churches…yes CC has stood strong against todays liberalism…yet one needs to ask how do I know that without my church having councils, or as centralized heirarchy of authority as you have? That is how am I not confused about abortion, gay issues, ordination issues, and remain theologically fundamental, without your supposed keys?

The conditional yet graced reliance on the Holy Spirit is the guarantor of truth and any unified outcome, across any church/ denominational lines and their respective councils and offices .
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