The Vagina Monologues at Notre Dame?

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See link to story in today’s Fort Wayne Journal Gazette regarding the presentation of this play at Notre Dame and Indiana University-Purdue University Fort Wayne and the Bishop of Fort Wayne-South Bend, John D’Arcy, stating his opposition to its performance at Notre Dame.

Your Brother in Christ,
Derek Pillie
What the heck is a Catholic University doing playing this liberal feminist garbage?
See link to story in today’s Fort Wayne Journal Gazette regarding the presentation of this play at Notre Dame and Indiana University-Purdue University Fort Wayne and the Bishop of Fort Wayne-South Bend, John D’Arcy, stating his opposition to its performance at Notre Dame.

Your Brother in Christ,
Derek Pillie
What the heck is a Catholic University doing playing this liberal feminist garbage?
Notre Dame is Catholic in name only, and has been for quite some time.
I have said this before, I do not understand why the title “Catholic” is not yanked from these anti-Catholic universities. Does the Bishop have any legal control over the school?
I have said this before, I do not understand why the title “Catholic” is not yanked from these anti-Catholic universities. Does the Bishop have any legal control over the school?
This university no longer has the right to have Notre Dame as its name. They should be stripped of any name that references the Blessed Mother.

I think a good name for the university is “LAME DAME”

Do you know who the Bishop in that area is? He should receive some letters about this.
What the heck is a Catholic University doing playing this liberal feminist garbage?
**I guess the same thing they’re doing by having a “Queer Film Festival”. 😦 **
The thing with “The Vagina Monologues” is it shows statutory rape as a “good” thing. What are these people thinking with?
Has anyone here even seen the Vagina Monologues?
Yes. It is a repulsive piece of filth. Its premise is that vaginas need their own community. Need I say more?

It is garbage crafted to promote the feminist/gay agenda and is not worthy of being called a “play” or “work of art” and has no place at ANY university, never mind one that is supposed to revere God’s creations, i.e., the human person.
Hm. Interesting. I have never seen it, or even heard anything about it. I’ve heard the title, that’s about it.
Should the University show diverse view points or only Catholic views? By the time a person goes to University they should be mature enough to handle material that a minor could not. If Catholics were a majority in this country and if the constitution allowed, should all other views be suppressed?

Should the University show diverse view points or only Catholic views? By the time a person goes to University they should be mature enough to handle material that a minor could not. If Catholics were a majority in this country and if the constitution allowed, should all other views be suppressed?

Please read this article:

It seems that this lovely play is being shown at another Catholic university in my hometown of New Orleans. My poor grandfather must be spinning in his grave. He was an alumnus of Loyola and a big supporter of the Jesuits. He died in 1981, before their total capitulation to the pagan culture.
Should the University show diverse view points or only Catholic views? By the time a person goes to University they should be mature enough to handle material that a minor could not. If Catholics were a majority in this country and if the constitution allowed, should all other views be suppressed?

From what I’ve heard, Notre Dame doesn’t even know it’s supposed to be Catholic anymore. It’s Catholic in “name” only. So it already sponsors all sorts of “diversity”–meaning all the usual liberal cant with none of that boring reactionary Catholic doctrinal stuff. :rolleyes:
Please read this article:

It seems that this lovely play is being shown at another Catholic university in my hometown of New Orleans. My poor grandfather must be spinning in his grave. He was an alumnus of Loyola and a big supporter of the Jesuits. He died in 1981, before their total capitulation to the pagan culture.
Thanks for the link. I’m afraid that I come down on the side of Fr. Wildes. My faith is strong enough to withstand the worst onslaught of our secular society. To them I say, bring it on. I enjoy the debate because know I’ll win. 😃

BTW, I havnt’ seen the VM.
Don’t worry Notre Dame, Charlie Wies will save you. Well, I don’t know about your theology department, but your football program will rock.
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