The Vagina Monologues at Notre Dame?

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Thanks for the link. I’m afraid that I come down on the side of Fr. Wildes. My faith is strong enough to withstand the worst onslaught of our secular society. To them I say, bring it on. I enjoy the debate because know I’ll win. 😃

BTW, I havnt’ seen the VM.
So then anything is fair game? A musical interpretation of Mein Kampf would be acceptable? Sponsoring KKK and NAMBLA organizations? Allowing polygamy on campus?

Shouldn’t a Catholic university promote the Catholic perspective? Isn’t that the point of attending a Catholic university as opposed to a secular one?
All I can say about that whole thing is it just shows that the same people who want respect further emphasize their personhood according to their genitals:rolleyes:

No-one here is trying to say that our culture should be closed, that we should welcome only Catholic points of view. However, Catholic universities are supposed to teach, live and defend the faith–they are NOT supposed to be part of the culture. Sure, you can handle it, so can I, so can most people…but you miss the point, Catholic schools need to be 100% Catholic.
So then anything is fair game? A musical interpretation of Mein Kampf would be acceptable? Sponsoring KKK and NAMBLA organizations? Allowing polygamy on campus?

Shouldn’t a Catholic university promote the Catholic perspective? Isn’t that the point of attending a Catholic university as opposed to a secular one?
Precisely. Not only is this play unnecessarily vulgar but it celebrates evil sexual predation upon a teenager. Is there ANY excuse for that? What’s to celebrate about an evil and illegal act? Imagine as you said if NAMBLA produced a play where an older man sodomized a drugged child. Would Fr be celebrating that image?

Lisa N
I am sorry and sad to say, but this play was also shown at Xavier University a year or two ago, here in Cincinnati. I was rather disgusted. Here is the article:

**Play rallies campus on academic freedom ****
**By Shelly Whitehead
Post staff reporter

Even the participants in Friday’s rally at Xavier University seemed a little shocked by the scene.

There, in the center of the Catholic university’s campus, surrounded by dorm exteriors emblazoned with letters spelling out “V-A-G-I-N-A” and “P-E-N-I-S,” were 200 students and faculty loudly proclaiming their rights to see works like “The Vagina Monologues.”

It was just five days after the school’s executive committee banned the performance, only to capitulate two days later and permit its staging when a professor offered to present it as part of a class on discrimination and power. The power students and faculty felt after their victory was evident at Friday’s rally.

But there also was a strong sense of resolve to do more expressed across T-shirts scrawled with anti-censorship messages, posters chastising school administrators for their actions, and over loud speakers blaring vows of teachers and students to keep the pressure on for more academic freedom at Xavier.

“Be careful what you ask for because you just might get it,” said Economics and Human Relations Professor Dr. Nancy Bertaux, who is presenting the play as part of her class.

“Father Graham asked for engagement on issues of – social justice and he got it.”

The crowd’s roaring reception for Bertaux’s remark came just as students learned of an emergency meeting two hours earlier of the Xavier faculty senate. Faculty members “overwhelmingly” voted in favor of petitioning the school’s president, vice president and academic chairs to extend academic freedoms beyond the walls of the classroom, a measure that might have prevented the move to ban the play, not initially part of course work.

But Xavier’s administrative leaders did not appear at Friday’s gathering. Xavier University External Relations Director Kelly Leon said that University President Father Michael Graham was at a funeral in Florida.

A statement he issued Friday night in response to the rally said, "I commend (students) for coming together – to passionately express their opinions and concerns. – I am fully supportive of the principles of academic freedom.

“The points students and faculty have raised – will continue – to be embraced and discussed by the entire campus community.”

The play at the center of the storm continued as scheduled Friday night at the Gallagher Student Center without incident. Two more performances of Eve Ensler’s work, based on interviews with more than 200 women about their vaginas, are set for this evening.

The production is part of a student-led project at Xavier designed to raise awareness about violence against women and money for the Women’s Crisis Center.

By Friday, however, the so-called “V-Day” project also had clearly become about censorship and student freedoms.“What started as my idea to bring ‘The Vagina Monologues’ to campus has ended up being something that has united students and faculty alike,” said the play’s director, a Xavier junior, Chris Sims.
So then anything is fair game? A musical interpretation of Mein Kampf would be acceptable? Sponsoring KKK and NAMBLA organizations? Allowing polygamy on campus?

Shouldn’t a Catholic university promote the Catholic perspective? Isn’t that the point of attending a Catholic university as opposed to a secular one?
The University should give a first rate education while making sure to present the Catholic point of view. Censorship should not need to occur no matter what the topic. If the University did not express the Catholic point of view, then I would say they were remiss. Not exposing their students to the full range of opinions would do them a disservice.
Jesus taught the sinners as well as the Saints. With a little grace from the Holy Spirit we might be able to convert some but we would not convert any if we just censored them.:o
The University should give a first rate education while making sure to present the Catholic point of view. Censorship should not need to occur no matter what the topic. If the University did not express the Catholic point of view, then I would say they were remiss. Not exposing their students to the full range of opinions would do them a disservice.
Jesus taught the sinners as well as the Saints. With a little grace from the Holy Spirit we might be able to convert some but we would not convert any if we just censored them.:o
Computer image child porn is protected under freedom of speech, I would consider it more of a disservice to propagate agendas which harm people.God Bless
Computer image child porn is protected under freedom of speech, I would consider it more of a disservice to propagate agendas which harm people.God Bless
I agree. But if someone wanted to argue the opposite without actually distributing the porn, I would not censor them.
Lisa N:
Precisely. Not only is this play unnecessarily vulgar but it celebrates evil sexual predation upon a teenager. Is there ANY excuse for that? What’s to celebrate about an evil and illegal act? Imagine as you said if NAMBLA produced a play where an older man sodomized a drugged child. Would Fr be celebrating that image?
Lisa N
I hesitate even to mention it, but since everything goes, I suppose we might expect a male version of the “monologues” soon, or a pedophile version. (Indeed the current version does seem to have some pedophilia involved). Then I suppose we will have to cope with the gay version, the LGBT version, perhaps the S&M version, and assorted others.

Ain’t academic freedom great?

I’m just glad I got my college done before the craziness set in.
I hesitate even to mention it, but since everything goes, I suppose we might expect a male version of the “monologues” soon, or a pedophile version. (Indeed the current version does seem to have some pedophilia involved). Then I suppose we will have to cope with the gay version, the LGBT version, perhaps the S&M version, and assorted others.

Ain’t academic freedom great?

I’m just glad I got my college done before the craziness set in.
Should we hope to bring back the days when the Church can censor any speech we don’t like; when people went to church because of peer pressure and not because they want to be there?

Yes, today is harder, but God does not give us tasks we can’t handle (and we have the Holy Spirit on our side). 😉
Oh, I’m not asking for censorship. I’m just saying it was easier to get a real education when you didn’t have to cope with the craziness.
Should we hope to bring back the days when the Church can censor any speech we don’t like; when people went to church because of peer pressure and not because they want to be there?

Yes, today is harder, but God does not give us tasks we can’t handle (and we have the Holy Spirit on our side). 😉
This kind of thing is not freedom of speech:eek: They are trying to normalise a lesbian relationship between a minor and adult:eek: This kind of freedom of speech could encourage the molestation and manipulation of teens and children:crying: Ban it!!!That is not freedom!
Should we hope to bring back the days when the Church can censor any speech we don’t like; when people went to church because of peer pressure and not because they want to be there?

Yes, today is harder, but God does not give us tasks we can’t handle (and we have the Holy Spirit on our side). 😉
Sorry but this sounds like a smelly red herring. Saying we think it is inappropriate for a Catholic school to promote a play that celebrates sexual predation upon a minor is far different than demanding every possibly offensive word be redacted from every piece of correspondence.

Frankly it disgusts me that female predators are just laughed off while our Church is paying millions because of male predators. Do we think that predatory sexual behavior is not a serious matter whether it is male on female, male on male or female on female? Getting a child drunk will land you in jail. Getting a child drunk (furnishing alcohol to a minor is the official title) and sexually abusing the child would CERTAINLY get you a lengthy jail sentence.

And this is art? PUH LEASE. There is such a thing as good taste. The demands that this revolting production be considered art is right on par with the cross in urine and the Virgin Mary portrait with animal dung. Is there no line that marks art from trash?
Lisa N
The University should give a first rate education while making sure to present the Catholic point of view. Censorship should not need to occur no matter what the topic. If the University did not express the Catholic point of view, then I would say they were remiss. Not exposing their students to the full range of opinions would do them a disservice.
Jesus taught the sinners as well as the Saints. With a little grace from the Holy Spirit we might be able to convert some but we would not convert any if we just censored them.:o
Your post reeks of spiritual relativism. What you so blithely refer to as the “Catholic point of view”, just happens to be the “wisdom of God”. Christ Himself and the Saints and Martyrs, who have gone before us over the last 2000 years can testify to that fact. Instead of equating the “full range of opinions” to pornography and sexual perversion, I suggest you open a “Catechism of the Catholic Church” and take a look see.
Marantha, any piece of “art” that is contrary to basic Catholic teaching should be banned from campus. A Catholic University does not exist to simply “present” the Catholic worldview but to encourage it and make it work in the lives of the people. The relativism in your statements makes me physically ill. Its OUR religion OUR University OUR way of doing things. The very reason we have our own universities is so we don’t have to be educated in such an evil enviroment. (Believe me, I go to a secular college and its tough to even go through ONE DAY without seeing something abhorent)
TPJCatholic said:
No-one here is trying to say that our culture should be closed. . . .

That’s the trouble. Instead of fighting for your values and rejecting filth and those who finance and promote it, you are letting them walk all over you.

Perhaps you should re-read Romans 1.21-32. It strikes me as an amazingly accurate portrait of the contemporary Western world, although it describes ancient Rome.

And we all know what happened to Rome. . . .
From what I’ve heard, Notre Dame doesn’t even know it’s supposed to be Catholic anymore. It’s Catholic in “name” only. So it already sponsors all sorts of “diversity”–meaning all the usual liberal cant with none of that boring reactionary Catholic doctrinal stuff. :rolleyes:
Amen!! 👍

If I was a parent with college age kids, I’d kick 'em out of the will for even WANTING to go to Notre Dame. They wouldn’t get EITHER dollar… 😉
Has anyone here even seen the Vagina Monologues?
Yep. Valentines Day 2003, London Celebrity version. I wasn’t a huge fan, but I don’t see that it’s a big deal that Notre Dame is showing it. You get the impression reading these boards that everything a catholic university does should first be approved by the pope!
Should we hope to bring back the days when the Church can censor any speech we don’t like; when people went to church because of peer pressure and not because they want to be there?

Yes, today is harder, but God does not give us tasks we can’t handle (and we have the Holy Spirit on our side). 😉
What are you talking about? Your statements are outrageous. What a slap to all the devout men and women who came before us. You support showing a perverted play and demean good Catholics.
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