The Virginity of Mary - Protestant positions

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I didn’t have a choice, it wouldn’t let me post otherwise (apparently you have to write a minimum of ten characters).

I’m sorry if you found that offensive, my sincerest apologies.
Saying so shows a weird notion of how the New Testament came to be.
Yes and no. It is all conjecture as to when any of James extra foundational elements came into existence. All I am saying is that for sure some of the major elements could be found in written gospels, all of which were written and dispersed a few generations earlier ( 75-90 years earlier?).

I am not denying that other elements could have began circulating orally before the James writing.

Not sure it was an issue by
the last apostolic writing of John (90 ad?)… he certainly does not call Mary ever virgin or brethren cousins etc., as if to settle any matter, such as he does about possible judaizers and gnostics.
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Well, here we can agree.

And John is notoriously little concerned with Mary, or infancy narratives for that matter.
“And she being with child cried, travailing in birth, and pained to be delivered.”

Rev.12 does not quite match the James account…one a natural birth and the other quite unnatural and presumably painless.
I’m sorry if you found that offensive, my sincerest apologies
No apology needed…been there done that ( posting a quick short answer only to be asked to write a little more…i usually post periods as a fill in…so I truly was laughing at your similar plight and how you “conquered it”… but i understood why you wrote what you wrote.
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