The wrong answer thread

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Because he is so mellow and EVERYBODY calls him Mellow Yellow offstage (quite rightly).

Why can Team Rocket’s Meowth actually ‘talk human?”
In order to save the world.
Why have I eaten too many berries…again ? What is the cure while picking them to prevent eating almost as many ? 🤔
Two questions! As to why, it is because you are subconsciously re-enacting the first sin, the eating of the fruit in Eden. As to what to do, you must wear a face mask when picking berries.

Why do school grades, A through F, skip the letter E?
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Because E stands for excellent, duh
Why is it so cold in South Carolina right now?
Because their Administration office is closed for the holidays and they didn’t pay their electricity bill.

Since “E” stands for excellence, what do the letters “A” thru “D” and also “F” stand for?
Because all the frogs have stopped singing ,having come down with Covid.
Why aren’t old people given exoskeletons so that they can run and jump about again ? 🤔
Old people can’t afford them and they aren’t covered by Medicaid.

Why did two different actors play Darren Stevens on “Bewitched”?
Did they ? I will have to watch it again!
Because Tabitha’s mother banished the first into another dimension and could not be persuaded to return him.
Why is my tea just so ?
They did:

Darren 1: played by DickYork

(Please Note: This uploaded content is no longer available.)

Daren 2: played by DickSargent
(Please Note: This uploaded content is no longer available.)
There used to be a thread on that. As I recall, start with stagnant water from the nuclear reactor cooling pond, get some old coffee grounds from the Starbucks dumpster, drive around and pick up some road kill, put it all together and steep overnight, then boil before serving.

Why is was it so much fun to be a CAF Curmudgeon?
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Because there were no awards for being nice and mannerly.

Why are people wearing masks?
Over here ? So I dont have to brush my teeth 🤓
Why can’t I play an instrument with my ear seeing I’ve learned how to play by ear ?
Of course you can play an instrument by ear. Everybody’s heard of eardrums.

How long does it take for the honeymoon to be over?
Anywhere from two days to two deaths.

Why did Bob Dylan win the Nobel Prize?
Because he is a big fan of Alfred Nobel.

Why diamonds are girl’s best friend?
Because everybody loves baseball. It has teams for the good, the bad, the ugly; winners and losers, underdogs and dark horses, favorites and hometown heroes alike.

Why is L. L. Bean famous?
They are famous for soups, baked beans and imported ethnic foods.

Who invented lemonade? 🍋
Jack Lemmon?

Why isn’t a $100 bill physically bigger than a $1 bill?
The side show Lucky duck was modelled on the purebred Muscovy ,and although considered more of a goose the bill is the same length.
Why don’t eyes actually pop out when we stare ?
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